Scientific paper ID 2289 : 2022/3

Svetoslav Tomov, Emiliya Dimitrova

Modern rail transport s the prevention of passengers’ access to the railway tracks, where they are exposed to numerous hazards. To ensure the safety and comfort of the passengers, it is recommended to install barrier (screen) safety systems at the stations.

The report analyses contemporary station safety systems for passengers: automatic screen doors and barrier systems with motion detectors based on infrared rays.

The integration of station barrier systems affects the operation of the line, mainly as an extension of the dwell time at the stations. This is due to the additional time d to open and close the larger doors, the slower passenger movement due to the additional restriction of access to and out of the train, the extended departure delays caused by the need to ensure safety (the time to check and confirm that no passengers are caught in the gap between the train doors and the barrier). The station safety systems also have a positive impact on the operation of the line, largely preventing safety risks. The delays caused by events related to passengers falling onto the line are reduced. In order to mitigate the negative impacts technical solutions for station safety systems are improved and upgraded. Reducing the additional delays is essential to provide efficient service and maximum line capacity, while ensuring passenger safety.

релсов транспорт безопасност бариерни (екранни) охранителни системи автоматични перонни преградни врати бариери с инфрачервени лъчи.rail transport passengers’ safety barrier (screen) safety systems automatic platform screen doors infrared beams bSvetoslav Tomov Emiliya Dimitrova


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