Scientific paper ID 2275 : 2022/3

Vasil Dimitrov, Martin Getov

Traction substations (TSS) in ”Metropolitan” Sofia serve to provide power supply to traction rolling stock (metro trains), as well as to all electrical consumers in a given metro station. These substations are supplied with an alternating voltage of 10 kV, necessarily from two external independent power sources (city substations).

The control of the devices in each rectifier station is carried out by the Dispatch Center (CDP). The system for control needs to be of high reliability due to the importance of the controlled facilities. The automated management of complex dynamic processes with increased ments in terms of safety and reliability is carried out through a supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA). The report presents the SCADA system implemented for the monitoring and management of electrical devices along the third metro diameter (M-3). The schemes used are described, the virtual images of the controlled objects on the monitors in the CDP are systematized, as well as their symbolic positions. The ways of identifying failures that have occurred are presented, as well as the consequences of a loss of communication between the objects and the CDP. A methodology for actions to eliminate an accident occurred has been developed.

тягова понизителна станция (ТПС) диспечерски системи (ДС) SCADAtraction substation dispatching systems (DS) SCADAVasil Dimitrov Martin Getov


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