Scientific paper ID 2270 : 2022/3

Todor Lalev, Georgi Dimitrov

The electrification of the railway infrastructure in the Republic of Bulgaria began more than 59 years ago, with the first electrified line Sofia-Plovdiv being opened in 1963. For the purposes of electrification, the most modern system at the time was chosen - the one with variable voltage UN = 25 kV, 50 Hz.

At the moment, more than 70% of the total length of the railway network in Bulgaria is electrified, which is fed by 54 traction substations /TSS/. Since a significant part of the traction substations have exceeded the indicator ”operational life”, they have to be modernized. In this regard, since 1999 Bulgarian State Railways - BDZ (later National Railway Infrastructure Company - NRIC) started a new stage of electrification, including new construction and modernization of traction substations, with 21 TSS have been modernized to date.

In the present paper, a brief analysis of the new construction and modernization of the traction substations in Bulgaria is made, and how far it follows modern trends. The technical solutions and equipment used until now by the NRIC in the modernization of the traction substations in our country were examined and a modern approach to the announcement of the tender procedures are presented, giving freedom to the participants to introduce innovations and new technologies.

Електрифициран железопътен транспорт Тягови подстанции Модернизация на тягови подстанции.Electrified railway transport Traction substations Modernization of traction substationsTodor Lalev Georgi Dimitrov


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