Scientific paper ID 2266 : 2022/3
Peter Ivanov Renewable energy sources (RES) are the best solution to problems related to security of energy supply, environmental protection and economic development. Photovoltaics (PV) systems occupy a significant share among them.
Photovoltaic panels convert solar energy into direct current (DC) voltage. In the event that the output voltage of the PV system does not meet the ments of the consumer, DC-DC converters are used, which convert the DC voltage in magnitude. In the present work, a mathematical and simulation model of a step-up DC-DC converter with application in a PV system has been developed. According to the proposed methodology, the parameters of the elements of its scheme were determined. The converter is modeled in Matlab/Simulink environment. Simulations of the output voltage and current of the IGBT transistor used as a key element have been obtained. фотоволтаична система DC-DC преобразувател симулационен модел в Matlab/Simulink.photovoltaic system DC-DC converter simulation model in Matlab/Simulink.Peter Ivanov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Krauter S. Solar electric power generation-photovoltaic energy systems. Springer, New York 74. 2006 [2] S. Saravanan, N. Ramesh Babu. Analysis and implementation of high step-up DC-DC converter for PV based grid application. Appl. Energy. 2017 [3] Obukhov S.G., Plotnikov I.A. Simulation model of operation of autonomous photovoltaic plant under actual operating conditions // Bull. Tomsk Polytech. Univ. Geo Assets Eng. 2017. [4] https://photosolar.bg/blog/fotovoltaichni-p... [5] Cherneva G., Andonov A. Simulation and Examination of a Direct Sequence Spreed Spectrum System Using Matlab/Simulink. Proceedings of the XLIV International Scientific Conference Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2009, 25-27.06.2009, p.619-622 |