Scientific paper ID 2252 : 2022/3

Nina Dimitrova, Silvia Polakova

The paper focuses on some aspects of teaching specific terminology to the students in the field of ”Electric Vehicles” of Todor Kableshkov University of Transport in the framework of the ”Technical Russian Language Course” discipline.

The issue of the role of specialized texts (originals and translations) for the scientific progress development by conveying information in the form of knowledge is touched upon. Terms, being a link between real-world objects and the world of concepts, are the main element of these texts. Learning and correct use of terms, therefore, lead to the creation of а solid foundation for the students` professional and linguistic competence formation.

Since the study of a professional language s an interdisciplinary approach, a set of basic terms of the course, and thus terms, is defined together with the teachers of the subject profile disciplines.

The work on terminological vocabulary consists of several main components: the acquiring of the term formation specifics in a given subject area and the spelling, orthoepic and grammatical features of terminological units, as well as the application of a systematic approach to the practical terminology acquisition. Particular attention is paid to the gaining of skills for translating terms with the help of a terminological dictionary and, the selection of correspondences ensuring the translational equivalence of the text.

русский язык для специальных целей термины терминология переводные эквивалентыforeign language for specific purposes terms specific terminology translation equivalentsNina Dimitrova Silvia Polakova


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