Scientific paper ID 2251 : 2022/3
Stoyna Kostova The article presents the peculiarities of earthquake retaining walls calculation. Standards and principles for calculating retaining walls according to Bulgarian standards are discussed. It is shown which is the d height of the retaining wall, depending on the material and the seismicity of the area in which it is built according to Regulation No. 2 for the design of buildings and facilities in earthquake regions [1]. The ments and basic rules and principles of the European standards for calculation of retaining walls on earthquake are given. Eurocode 7 part 1 and Eurocode 8 are applied together in the calculation of retaining walls for seismic effects. The determination of the dynamic earth pressure during horizontal and vertical seismic force and the coefficients of lateral earth pressure during an earthquake are given. Attention is drawn to determining the coefficients for active and passive earth pressure with the Mononobe - Okabe formulas. Simplified methods can be used for calculating retaining walls on earthquake. The influence of the ”liquefaction” of potentially dangerous soils under seismic loading is shown. Depending on the ability of water to move through the soil skeleton during dynamic action, soil conditions are defined as dynamically impermeable and dynamically permeable. It is important to note that it should not put foundations in water-saturated sands prone to liquefaction.
подпорни стени Еврокод 8 земетръс втечняване земен натискretaining walls Eurocode 8 earthquake liquefaction earth pressure.Stoyna Kostova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]. V Naredba №2 za proektirane na sgradi i saorazheniya v zemetrasni rayoni, DV 68, 2007 ( [1]. В Наредба №2 за проектиране на сгради и съоръжения в земетръсни райони, ДВ 68, 2007 ) [2]. BDS EN 1998-5:2005 (Evrokod 8-5), Proektirane na konstruktsiite za seizmichni vazdeystviya Chast 5: Fundamenti, podporni konstruktsii i geotehnicheski aspekti, BIS, 2007 ( [2]. БДС EN 1998-5:2005 (Еврокод 8-5), Проектиране на конструкциите за сеизмични въздействия Част 5: Фундаменти, подпорни конструкции и геотехнически аспекти, БИС, 2007 ) [3]. BDS EN 1997-1 (Evrokod 7-1): Geotehnichesko proektirane. Chast 1: Osnovni pravila, BIS, 2005 ( [3]. БДС EN 1997-1 (Еврокод 7-1): Геотехническо проектиране. Част 1: Основни правила, БИС, 2005 ) [4]. BDS EN 1998-1:2005 (Evrokod 8-1) Chast 1: Obshti pravila, seizmichni vazdeystviya i pravila za sgradi, BIS, 2005 ( [4]. БДС EN 1998-1:2005 (Еврокод 8-1) Част 1: Общи правила, сеизмични въздействия и правила за сгради, БИС, 2005 ) [5]. BDS EN 1998-1/NA Natsionalno prilozhenie (NA) kam Evrovkod 8-1: Proektirane na konstruktsiite za seizmichni vazdeystviya Chast 1: Obshti pravila, seizmichni vazdeystviya i pravila za sgradi, BIS, 2012 ( [5]. БДС EN 1998-1/NA Национално приложение (NA) към Евровкод 8-1: Проектиране на конструкциите за сеизмични въздействия Част 1: Общи правила, сеизмични въздействия и правила за сгради, БИС, 2012 ) |