Scientific paper ID 2242 : 2022/3
Ivo Yanakiev A key factor for the successful integration of Bulgaria in the European Union is the development of the national railway infrastructure as part of the Trans-European Transport Network. The efficient maintenance, reconstruction and modernization of the railway network, as well as the construction and development of transport links, play a fundamental role in the take-off of the economy and the railway sector in particular.
The safety, reliability and environmental friendliness of transport services make an essential contribution to the development of society and the progress of rail infrastructure. The last decade has seen an increase in the number of successfully implemented railway projects in the country, financed with national and European funds. This is related to the use of new technologies to achieve quality and safe construction of modern railway infrastructure and the application of the acquired rich experience in infrastructure construction. This report discusses current trends in the development of our rail network. The experience in the implementation of projects of national and European importance is shared. The construction of modern railway infrastructure is related to ensuring higher travel speeds, reducing travel time, increasing safety and comfort of travel. This in turn is a prerequisite for attracting more passengers and freight, which increases competitiveness and contributes to the development of trade, tourism, industry and energy at European, national, regional and local level. железопътна инфраструктура строителство поддържане реконструкция модернизация технология механизация.railway infrastructure construction maintenance reconstruction modernization technology mechanization.Ivo Yanakiev |