Scientific paper ID 2241 : 2022/3
Vladimir Boyadzhiev Creating a comprehensive reliability model of a complex technical object is an objectively difficult task. The main difficulty arises from the wide variety of failure physics. The factors and processes that affect operational reliability and operational efficiency of a complex technical object are characterized by considerable diversity. Furthermore, these disparate factors and processes influence each other, making their inclusion in a single model even more difficult.
The paper examines the possibilities of using graph theory to capture the diverse factors and processes affecting the reliability of objects. In the case of complex technical objects, this diversity is significantly greater due to their more complex structure and composition. At the same time, prerequisites are created for realizing the advantages of the overall reliability model - taking into account the complex interrelationships both between these factors and processes, as well as between the individual elements of the structure of the complex technical object. Since the task of developing such a complete reliability model of a complex technical object is of a volume far beyond the scope of the report, only one fragment of this model – covering a specific assembly system – x-axis translation is considered in the present work. This makes it possible, after the construction of similar models of the other component systems, to combine them into one complete model. моделиране надеждност подавателен превод граф сложен технически обектmodeling reliability submission translation graph complex technical objectVladimir Boyadzhiev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Rongxi Wang, Yufan Li, Jinjin Xu, Zhen Wang, Jianmin Gao, F2G: A hybrid fault-function graphical model for reliability analysis of complex equipment with coupled faults, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 226, October 2022, 108662, ISSN: 0951-8320, Elsevier Ltd. [2] Chun Yong Chong, Sai Peck Lee, Analyzing maintainability and reliability of object-oriented software using weighted complex network, Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 110, December 2015, Pages 28-53, ISSN: 0164-1212, Elsevier Inc. [3] Sergey M. Kuznetsov, Reliability Assessment of Hydro Transport Systems’ Operation, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 61, 2022, Pages 691-698, ISSN: 2352-1465, Elsevier B.V. [4] Nikolaus Haselgruber, Shawn P. Capser, Giorgio I. Vignati, Early life reliability growth testing with non-constant failure intensity, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 180, 2021, Pages 608-617, ISSN: 1877-0509, Elsevier B.V. |