Scientific paper ID 2240 : 2022/3
Vasko Nikolov The article examines the device, the principle of operation of the undercarriage of the 87 series locomotives. The loads that act on the locomotive axles of these locomotives and the transmission of the torque from the traction forces to the running wheels and the railway during movement are described. Spatial modelling of a locomotive track axle of locomotives series 87 was carried out. A strength-deformation analysis was made of the same locomotive track axle, defining, and considering the dangerous sections in the axle and the loads acting in each of them. The locomotive axle defects during operation, which is unacceptable from the point of view of railway safety and should not be allowed under any conditions and circumstances. Due to the fact that the relevant locomotive axle has failed (broken) in an uncharacteristic area, the reasons for the appearance of failure in the relevant area, caused by a crack that appeared caused by an external factor, have been analyzed. An analysis of the obtained results was made. Conclusions are formulated from the strength-deformation analysis and the operation of these elements of the locomotive construction, which are important for safety in railway transport. Recommendations are given for further operation, repair, maintenance, and inspection of locomotive axles of 87 series locomotives.
локомотивни колооси метод на крайните елементи безопасност тягов подвижен състав железопътен транспорт.locomotive wheelsets finite element method safety traction rolling stock railway transport.Vasko Nikolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]. Dimitrov, Zh. Nadezhdnost na zhelezopatnata tehnika, VMEI „V. I. Lenin“, S. 1988. ( [1]. Димитров, Ж. Надеждност на железопътната техника, ВМЕИ „В. И. Ленин“, С. 1988. ) [2]. Nikolov, V. Izsledvane na faktorite, vliyaeshti na dalgotraynostta na lokomotivnite koloosi, S. TU, 2008. ( [2]. Николов, В. Изследване на факторите, влияещи на дълготрайността на локомотивните колооси, С. ТУ, 2008. ) [3]. UIC Code 515-3. Rolling stock. Bogies – Running gear. Axle design calculation method. 1994. |