Scientific paper ID 2233 : 2022/3

Vanio Ralev, Dobrinka Atmadzhova

The issue of providing and controlling the resource of the rolling stock and its units is directly related to ensuring the reliability and safety of the transport process. The starting point for solving this problem is the ability to determine the resource of a product or its components at all stages of the life cycle. For this, theoretical calculation methods of resource are used and improved, in combination with the improvement of diagnostic methods and service technology.

Since the number of elements and components of the running gear of passenger wagons for research durability or resource s a lot of development, the authors focus their research on the elements of the wheelsets - wheels. These details, on whose work the safety and efficiency of the passenger wagons in their entirety largely depend and it is necessary to collect a large amount of information about damages/failures.

In addition, wear and mileage are dependent random variables. The relationship between their mathematical expectations and standard deviations is determined by regression equations. These dependencies are assumed to be linear. The coefficients of dependence are determined by the method of least squares. Based on the results obtained in the study, it is concluded that the determining element for the resource is the thickness of the tire and the parameters of the flange.

пътнически вагони колооси колела износване дълготрайност.passenger wagons wheelsets wheels wear durabilityVanio Ralev Dobrinka Atmadzhova


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