Научный доклад ID 2232 : 2022/3
Dragan Petrović, Milan Bižić Proper functioning of the suspension of the railway vehicles is of great importance for the normal functioning of railway traffic. The coil springs are a very common element of the railway vehicles suspension. They are obtained by winding cold drawn wire along the line of the coil with equal distances between the threads. Thanks to these distances, the height of the spring changes easily under the load. Cold drawing is the process of kneading the surface layer of the wire by passing it through a calibrated hole in the cold state. This significantly improves the structure of both the surface layer and the core of wire. All coil springs are made of steel wires, usually round in diameter, and other cross-sectional shapes are possible (square, etc.). The stiffness characteristic of these elements is linear. This paper shows that the ideal characteristic of suspension stiffness of railway vehicles should be exponential. Due to the expensive production of suspension elements that would have an exponential stiffness characteristic, the standard suspension elements which in a certain combination approximates the ideal stiffness characteristic, are used. The whole procedure must satisfy the theoretical postulates presented in this paper. The quality of suspension has a key influence on the quiet running and running safety of railway vehicles.
Freight wagons stiffness coil springs.Freight wagons stiffness coil springs.Dragan Petrović Milan Bižić BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Secondary suspension failure on a train at Connolly Station, 7th May 2010, Investigation Report 2011-R002, Railway Accident Investigation Unit – RAIU, 2011. [2] D. Petrović, M. Bižić, Improvement of suspension system of Fbd wagons for coal transportation, Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 25 (2012), 89–96, doi:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2012.05.001. [3] D. Petrović, D. Atmadzhova, M. Bižić, Advantages of installation of rubber-metal elements in suspension of railway vehicles, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure – ``CETRA 2014``, pp. 491-497, Split, Croatia, (2014), ISSN 1848-9842. [4] M. Bižić, D. Petrović, Basics of experimental determination of wheel-rail contact forces by using instrumented wheelsets, IMK-14 – Research and development in heavy machinery, Volume 23, Number 2, pp. EN63-68, (2017), ISSN 0354-6829. [5] D. Petroviћ, R. Rakanoviћ, Elastichni element u funktsiјi poboљshaњa veshaјnog sistema na Fbd kolima, Chasopis IMK - ”14. oktobar”, broј 20-21, str. 35-39, (2005). ISSN 0354-6829. ( [5] Д. Петровић, Р. Ракановић, Еластични елемент у функцији побољшања вешајног система на Фбд колима, Часопис ИМК - ”14. октобар”, број 20-21, стр. 35-39, (2005). ISSN 0354-6829. ) [6] D. Atmadzhova, V. Nikolov, Modelirane i sravnitelen yakosten analiz na razlichni konstruktsii listovi resori za dvuosni tovarni vagoni, Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya „Tehnika i stroitelni tehnologii v transporta – 2018” 13-15 septemvri 2018 g., 2018g. t. 16, br.3/3, reg. No: 1675, str. VІ-27 do VІ-35, https://mtc-aj.com/library/1675.pdf ( [6] Д. Атмаджова, В. Николов, Моделиране и сравнителен якостен анализ на различни конструкции листови ресори за двуосни товарни вагони, Международна научна конференция „Техника и строителни технологии в транспорта – 2018” 13-15 септември 2018 г., 2018г. т. 16, бр.3/3, рег. No: 1675, стр. VІ-27 до VІ-35, https://mtc-aj.com/library/1675.pdf ) [7] D. Atmadzhova, Analysis of strength and deformation of parabolic leaf springs for transport equipment, Journal of mining and geological sciences, University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, Number 3, vol.62, ISSN 2682-9525, Sofia, 2019 pp.5-10, 2019г, http://mgu.bg/new/docs/Journal-3-MEMF-2019.... |