Scientific paper ID 2226 : 2022/3
Kalina Atanasova Semova This article is part of author`s work related to improving the metrological characteristics of methods for innovation assessment. A universal approach is proposed, applicable in a wide range of cases for analyzing informal or data and / or when the evaluation information needed cannot be obtained experimentally and analytically. Article contributions are the algorithmic structuring of a unified approach to the evaluation of various innovation aspects and the graphical interpretation of this approach. Significantly higher accuracy and adequacy of assessments and reliable answers to the questions are expected: what does innovation depend on, what are the factors that help the innovations development, what are the challenges for this development and what is their impact. Higher accuracy in measurement is achieved due to the fact that individual competence of each expert in the multi-subject expertise is taken into account. Factors and challenges are not only ranked, but also quantified, making it possible to pursue an innovative innovation investment policy.
Иновативност индикатори за оценка многофакторна мултисубектна експертиза количествено оценяванеInnovation evaluation indicators multifactorial multi-subject expertise quantitative evaluationKalina Atanasova Semova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] European Commission. Оslo Manual. https://www.oecd.org/science/inno/2367614.p... [2] Yakovleva E.A. Otsenka inovatsionnogo potrentsiala predpriyatiya. Voprosy innovatsionnoy ekonomiki. Tom 8, nomer 2. 2018g. ( [2] Яковлева Е.А. Оценка иновационного потренциала предприятия. Вопросы инновационной экономики. Том 8, номер 2. 2018г. ) [3] K. Semova, Hristov, H,, Influence of the Individual Competence of the Experts on the Multicriteria Subjective Assessment, International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), 2021 ( [3] К. Semova, Христов, Х,, Influence of the Individual Competence of the Experts on the Multicriteria Subjective Assessment, International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), 2021 ) [4] K. Semova, D. Todorova. Podhodi za opredelyane i metodi za otsenka na inovativnostta i tyahnoto prilozhdenie v transportnite predpriyatiya. Mahnika, transport, komunikatsii 2021. ( [4] К. Семова, Д. Тодорова. Подходи за определяне и методи за оценка на иновативността и тяхното прилождение в транспортните предприятия. Махника, транспорт, комуникации 2021. ) [5] Klasisifkatsiya na klasterniya analiz. https://imht.ru/bg/innovatika/klasternyi-an... osnove-postroennoi-modeli-primenenie.html ( [5] Класисифкация на клъстерния анализ. https://imht.ru/bg/innovatika/klasternyi-an... osnove-postroennoi-modeli-primenenie.html ) [6] M.Hristova. Avtoreferat na disertatsiya «Kolichestveni metodi za otsenyavane na kachestvoto na universitestvoto obrazovanie». 2007 g. ( [6] M.Hristova. Автореферат на дисертация «Количествени методи за оценяване на качеството на университеството образование». 2007 г. ) [7] AVGM. Otsenka na inovativniya potentsial na predpriyatieto. https://awgm.ru/bg/ocenka-innovacionnogo-po... ( [7] AVGM. Оценка на иновативния потенциал на предприятието. https://awgm.ru/bg/ocenka-innovacionnogo-po... ) [8] D. Damyanov, Kasabadzhieva. St.. Model za izmervane na stepenta na inovativnost. http://mech-ing.com/journal/Archive/2009/3-... ( [8] Д. Дамянов, Касабаджиева. Ст.. Модел за измерване на степента на иновативност. http://mech-ing.com/journal/Archive/2009/3-... ) |