Scientific paper ID 2214 : 2022/2
Plamen Pesharov This report examines the essence and application of combined freight transport, the state and prospects for the development of the railway infrastructure, related to the macroeconomic forecasts for the development of the country distorted through the political situation. Based on different analyses and characteristics, proposals have been made to increase the efficiency of combined freight transport with the participation of railway transport. The effective functioning of any transport system is related to the technological interaction between the modes of transport. This represents the development of modern technologies which coordinate the work of the different modes of transport providing on time reliable information about the work of the interacting parties. Combined transport provides a significant reduction in the cost of transport due to the merging of multiple activities in one operator. Their main advantage in relation to customers is in the possibility of better storage and protection of the goods during the transportation process. Another main advantage is reduction of time of delivery of the goods to the recipients.
железопътна инфраструктура комбинирани товарни превози макроикономически показателилогистични центровеrailway infrastructure combined freight transport macroeconomic indicators; logistics centersPlamen Pesharov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] ESP. (2018)- Evropeyska Smetna Palata – Oditni dokladi https://www.eca.europa.eu/Lists/ECADocument... ( [1] ЕСП. (2018)- Европейска Сметна Палата – Одитни доклади https://www.eca.europa.eu/Lists/ECADocument... ) [2] EC, ECMT, UN/ECE. (5 Mart 2001 r.). TERMINOLOGY ON https://unece.org/DAM/trans/wp24/documents/... ( [2] EC, ECMT, UN/ECE. (5 Март 2001 r.). TERMINOLOGY ON https://unece.org/DAM/trans/wp24/documents/... ) [3] COM (2019) - Otsenka na napredaka v strukturnite reformi, predotvratyavaneto i korigiraneto na makroikonomicheskite disbalansi i rezultati ot zadalbochenite pregledi v saotvetstvie s Reglament (ES) № 1176/2011. https://ec.europa.eu › sites › info › files › file_import ( [3] COM (2019) - Оценка на напредъка в структурните реформи, предотвратяването и коригирането на макроикономическите дисбаланси и резултати от задълбочените прегледи в съответствие с Регламент (ЕС) № 1176/2011. https://ec.europa.eu › sites › info › files › file_import ) [4] Evrostat 2022 g. Statisticheski Transportni Danni. Bryuksel: Evropeyski Sayuz. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/transport... ( [4] Евростат 2022 г. Статистически Транспортни Данни. Брюксел: Европейски Съюз. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/transport... ) [5] Doklad na BNB ot 15.04.2022 g. (BNB, 2022) Makroikonomicheski pokazateli. https://www.bnb.bg/Statistics/StMacroeconom... ( [5] Доклад на БНБ от 15.04.2022 г. (БНБ, 2022) Макроикономически показатели. https://www.bnb.bg/Statistics/StMacroeconom... ) [6] Godishen doklad 2022 g.na Instituta za ikonomicheski izsledvaniya na BAN www.iki.bas.bg/files/Doklad_2022-2_cover.pdf. ( [6] Годишен доклад 2022 г.на Института за икономически изследвания на БАН www.iki.bas.bg/files/Doklad_2022-2_cover.pdf. ) [7] DP „NKZhI“2020 g. Biznes programa na DP „NKZhI“ za perioda 2021-2025. SOFIYa: MTS www.rail-infra.bg/upload/3164/Biznes programa 2021-2025.pdf ( [7] ДП „НКЖИ“2020 г. Бизнес програма на ДП „НКЖИ“ за периода 2021-2025. СОФИЯ: МТС www.rail-infra.bg/upload/3164/Biznes programa 2021-2025.pdf ) [8] MTITS,2017 Integrirana transportna strategiya v perioda do 2030 g. https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/4... do-2030-g ( [8] МТИТС,2017 Интегрирана транспортна стратегия в периода до 2030 г. https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/4... do-2030-g ) [9] НСИ,2022 https//infostat.nsi.bg/infostat/pages/module.jsf?x_2=228 https://infostat.nsi.bg/infostat/pages/repo... https://infostat.nsi.bg/infostat/pages/repo... [10] Minkov, T. (2019). Politika za razvitie na zhelezopatniya transport v Balgariya. Sofiya: Ikonomicheski i sotsialni alternativi. ( [10] Минков, Т. (2019). Политика за развитие на железопътния транспорт в България. София: Икономически и социални алтернативи. ) [11] Nikolova,H ( 2011 ) Mezhdunaroden transport i speditsiya. https://gtcluster.eu/wp-content/uploads/201... , ( [11] Николова,Х ( 2011 ) Международен транспорт и спедиция. https://gtcluster.eu/wp-content/uploads/201... , ) [12] Nikolova, H (2021). Perspektivi za razvitie i upravlenie na zhelezopatnata infrastruktura v Balgariya. Sofiya: Universitet za natsionalno i svetovno stopanstvo. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/35... ( [12] Николова, Х (2021). Перспективи за развитие и управление на железопътната инфраструктура в България. София: Университет за национално и световно стопанство. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/35... ) |