Scientific paper ID 2210 : 2022/4
Stoyan Spahiev The economic arguments against liberalization are the restricting of non-raw materials sectors (for resource-rich countries) and of other sectors outside those with comparative advantage, the increase of transport and other adverse effects for the environment and population. Moral argument against liberalization is the depriving of future generations from certain resources that are being exported for short term profit. The sociopolitical arguments against liberalization are the commercialization or elimination of local culture, the dependency on foreign suppliers for the delivery of main goods and services, the risk of strengthening via trade of the potential future enemy state.
In part 2 are evaluated the arguments against liberalization. либерализация свободна търговия сравнително предимство протекционизъм субсидии търговски бариериliberalization free trade comparative advantage protectionism subsidies trade barriersStoyan Spahiev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Stefanov, St.F. „Mezhdunarodna ikonomika“, Sofiya, 2001 ( [1] Стефанов, Ст.Ф. „Международна икономика“, София, 2001 ) |