Scientific paper ID 221 : 2008/1
On Some Evaluation Problems of The Dynamic Performances of Locomotives Referring to LDH 1250 CP

Ioan Sebesan, Cristina Tudorache, Madalina Dumitriu, Mihai Sebesan

Upon curve circulating the railway vehicles both quasistatic and dynamic forces run. Their limitation is done by lowering the transversal accelerations by an appropriate choice of the vehicle.s suspension system parameters. Several factors are being taken into account, the most important being related to the safety insurance against derailement, the travelling quality and, at the same time, to the protection of the vehicle in motion and of the railway. A practical application is presented, referring to a Romanian locomotive, namely LDH 1250CP and the conditions in which are accomplished the limitations from UIC 518 Record.

вертикално ускорение динамични сили недостатъчно надвишение на релсата коефициент на еластичност трептене.vertical accelerations dynamic forces superelevation insufficiency flexibility coefficIoan Sebesan Cristina Tudorache Madalina Dumitriu Mihai Sebesan




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