Scientific paper ID 2209 : 2022/4
Stoyan Spahiev The economic arguments in support of liberalization are the wealth creation via more effective resource allocation based on absolute and especially comparative advantages. The moral arguments in support of liberalization are the right of free choice (for the economic subjects and individuals) and the reduction (but not elimination) of the risk of military conflict via the increase of the interdependency. The sociopolitical arguments in support of liberalization are the strengthening of local culture against stagnation and decay, as well as providing a stronger negotiation position for the deeply integrated trade blocs.
In part 2 are evaluated the arguments against liberalization. либерализация свободна търговия сравнително предимство протекционизъм субсидии търговски бариериliberalization free trade comparative advantage protectionism subsidies trade barriersStoyan Spahiev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Stefanov, St.F. „Mezhdunarodna ikonomika“, Sofiya, 2001 ( [1] Стефанов, Ст.Ф. „Международна икономика“, София, 2001 ) |