Scientific paper ID 2207 : 2022/4
Ivan Dimitrov The elevators are stationary lifts with interrupted action, the cabin is guided by guide rails and moves between two or more stops in specifically built shafts, with locking doors on the landing. The main purpose of the elevator system is to perform intermittent vertical lifting and lowering of passengers and cargo. Rails, as well as strictly directed movement, are the defining characteristics of the elevator, which distinguishes it from other lifting devices. In order to ensure continuous and trouble-free operation of the elevator, a number of organizational and technical measures are carried out, aimed at maintaining it in good technical condition, reducing operating costs and achieving a minimum cost of technical operation. In order to achieve all these indicators, an important factor is the choice of maintenance and repair system. The technical maintenance of the elevator systems and the obligatory part of their operation, the activities related to periodic technical inspections and maintenance are a guarantee for the safe operation. The main task of the diagnosis of lifting equipment is to identify potential dangers and to avoid accidents. Extremely important for damage prevention, timely diagnostics and regular maintenance guarantee a long and trouble-free operation of lifting and transport equipment, prolong the service life and reduce the risk of a sudden damage.
асансьорната уредба стационарни подемници подемно-транспортна техникаthe elevator system stationary lifts lifting and transport equipmentIvan Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Naredba za bezopasnata eksploatatsiya i tehnicheskiya nadzor na asansyori, ( [1] Наредба за безопасната експлоатация и техническия надзор на асансьори, ) [2] Lektsionen material po „Eksploatatsiya na saorazheniya s povishena opasnost “, VTU „ Todor Kableshkov “, 2021g., ( [2] Лекционен материал по „Експлоатация на съоръжения с повишена опасност “, ВТУ „ Тодор Каблешков “, 2021г., ) [3] V.Diviziev, I.Kolarov, M.Prodanov, P.Karaivanov, „Podemno - transportni mashini i sistemi“, izd. „ Tehnika“, 1993g., ( [3] В.Дивизиев, И.Коларов, М.Проданов, П.Караиванов, „Подемно - транспортни машини и системи“, изд. „ Техника“, 1993г., ) [4] BDS 4699-85 Asansyori elektricheski - patnicheski shahti i mashinni pomeshteniya. Osnovni parametri i razmeri., ( [4] БДС 4699-85 Асансьори електрически - пътнически шахти и машинни помещения. Основни параметри и размери., ) [5] N. Chavushyan, Asansyori i shahtni podemni mashini“, izdatelstvo „Tehnika“, 1980g., ( [5] Н. Чавушян, Асансьори и шахтни подемни машини“, издателство „Техника“, 1980г., ) |