Scientific paper ID 2204 : 2022/4
Maya Ganeva, Magdalena Petrova-Kirova In a market economy, the necessity of more efficient and effective economic activity management arises. As a result of the major alterations in the world economy, regarding the market’s organizational and management structure where a strong competition is formed. Any activity performed by the enterprises ought to be viewed through the prism of its effectiveness and competitiveness. This is related to constant surveillance and analysis of the market’s condition, and every company resolution should be based on large in volume technical, technological and economic information. That information must be complete, accurate, timely and reliable so that an adequate solution is made. This is of great importance for transport including railway transport due to its contribution to the connection between separate industries and enterprises. Moreover, it serves the settlements and the population by transporting them from and to their workplace, to their place of residence or rest.
анализ приходи финансов резултатanalysis revenue financial resultMaya Ganeva Magdalena Petrova-Kirova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Staneva, V., M. Petrova-Kirova, „Schetovodni standarti. Prilozhenie za transportni predpriyatiya“, izd. Avangard Prima, Sofiya, 2021 g., s. 239 – 260, ( [1] Станева, В., М. Петрова-Кирова, „Счетоводни стандарти. Приложение за транспортни предприятия“, изд. Авангард Прима, София, 2021 г., с. 239 – 260, ) [2] Tehnologiya na rabota s klienti po prodazhba na bileti i reklamatsii v „Sistema za onlayn rezervatsiya i biletoizdavane“ – vatreshni pravila, ( [2] Технология на работа с клиенти по продажба на билети и рекламации в „Система за онлайн резервация и билетоиздаване“ – вътрешни правила, ) [3] Instruktsiya za otchitaneto na prihodite ot patnicheska deynost v „BDZh- PP“ EOOD – vatreshni pravila, ( [3] Инструкция за отчитането на приходите от пътническа дейност в „БДЖ- ПП“ ЕООД – вътрешни правила, ) [4] Kasarova, V., „Finansov analiz“, Nov balgarski universitet, Sofiya, 2013 g. ( [4] Касърова, В., „Финансов анализ“, Нов български университет, София, 2013 г. ) [5] Targovski registar, dostapen na: http://www.brra.bg/ ( [5] Търговски регистър, достъпен на: http://www.brra.bg/ ) |