Scientific paper ID 2197 : 2022/4
Rositsa Bakalova, Dimitar Todorov Transportation has its important role and is one of the main elements of logistics. It is an important component in the distribution of material products from the point of view of compliance with the delivery period in the presence of the ”just in time” ment and in the storage of the transported goods under the disposal of the carrier and the possibilities of the connections to be realized ”door to door”. Therefore, the transportation process occupies a significant place in the implementation of commercial relationships.
The article focuses on the influence of transport logistics on the choice of transport mode, which is an important task for logistics managers. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the incorrect determination of the method of transportation can reflect negatively on the one hand, on the logistics costs, by overestimating them, and on the other hand, on the level of customer service, by underestimating it. For Bulgaria, the development of the transport sector is very important, both economically and strategically. транспорт логистика транспортни разходи показатели решенияtransport logistics transport costs indicators solutionsRositsa Bakalova Dimitar Todorov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kirova, A. Upravlenie na transporta v logistikata. Sofiya: Stopanstvo, 2001. ( [1] Кирова, А. Управление на транспорта в логистиката. София: Стопанство, 2001. ) [2] Nikolova, Hr. Mezhdunaroden transport i speditsiya. Sofiya: Stopanstvo, 2011. ( [2] Николова, Хр. Международен транспорт и спедиция. София: Стопанство, 2011. ) [3] Bakalova, V., Nikolova, Hr. Ikonomika na transporta. Sofiya: Stopanstvo, 2010. ( [3] Бакалова, В., Николова, Хр. Икономика на транспорта. София: Стопанство, 2010. ) [4] Zhelyazkova, D. Transportna logistika. Varna: Nauka i ikonomika, 2017. ( [4] Желязкова, Д. Транспортна логистика. Варна: Наука и икономика, 2017. ) [5] Koychev, M. Vzaimodeystvie mezhdu vidovete transport. Varna: Tehnicheski universitet – Varna, 2012. ( [5] Койчев, М. Взаимодействие между видовете транспорт. Варна: Технически университет – Варна, 2012. ) [6] Dimchev, V. Narachnik za profesionalno obuchenie na speditorski kadri v saotvetstvie sas standartite na FIATA. Sofiya: NSBS, 2015. ( [6] Димчев, В. Наръчник за професионално обучение на спедиторски кадри в съответствие със стандартите на ФИАТА. София: НСБС, 2015. ) [7] Yotsov, I. Vavedenie v upravlenieto na verigite za dostavki: sashtnost, znachenie i efektivnost na upravlenieto na verigata za dostavki. Varna: E-Litera Soft, 2017. ( [7] Йоцов, И. Въведение в управлението на веригите за доставки: същност, значение и ефективност на управлението на веригата за доставки. Варна: Е-Литера Софт, 2017. ) |