Scientific paper ID 2190 : 2022/1
Zhaneta Kalinova Maintenance of the organizational flexibility is one of the important aspects of organizational functioning. This process classically is known as a process of adaptation. When addressing the adaptation we generally understand that it is s process with “positive charge”, leading to survival of the organization and its better performance. The question is if this is fully correct. In this perspective, the publication addresses the necessity of balance between management and organizational flexibility. The process of balancing is presented on the background of the organizational life cycle. Classically the process of adaptation tries to minimize the consumption of the resources necessary to achieve the desired goal of functioning. This inevitably leads to the tendency of transition to a “minimal necessary structure”. The risk comes if a dynamic and dramatic change of the system environment happens. In this case, it is possible not to have enough adaptability as a resource or structural components to support the transition process. Here the management skills comes. The idea is to lead the adaptation process providing structural and functional flexibility for adaptation adequate to the dynamics of the organizational environment. Next to the main idea, the paper raises a topic for deeper and further research – the possibility to accept the “dark side” of the adaptation. It is indisputable that the direct adaptation leads to better performance. However, is it possible the same process to result in some extend of flexibility lose?
организации управление жизнен цикъл на организациите адаптация предприемачество.organizations management organizational life-cycle adaptation entrepreneurship.Zhaneta Kalinova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Adizes, I. Upravlenie zhiznennym tsiklom korporatsii. Dostapna na adres: http://you-books.com/book/I-K-Adizes/Upravl... posledno poseten na 10.01.2022 g. ( [1] Адизес, И. Управление жизненным циклом корпорации. Достъпна на адрес: http://you-books.com/book/I-K-Adizes/Upravl... последно посетен на 10.01.2022 г. ) [2] Gel-Man, M. Kvarkat i yaguarat. Priklyucheniya v prostoto i slozhnoto. Sofiya, Prometey – I. L., 2006, 535, ISBN 954-94-61-04-01. 3 Kalinov, K. Aspekti na teoriyata na organizatsiite. Varna, Dangrafik, 2017, 299 s., ISBN 978-954-9418-95-8. ( [2] Гел-Ман, М. Кваркът и ягуарът. Приключения в простото и сложното. София, Прометей – И. Л., 2006, 535, ISBN 954-94-61-04-01. 3 Калинов, К. Аспекти на теорията на организациите. Варна, Данграфик, 2017, 299 с., ISBN 978-954-9418-95-8. ) [4] Kehayov, A. Upravlyavay drazko i madro. Alfa Kuoliti Balgariya, 2014 g., ISBN 978 6199030011, fragment, dostapen na adres: https://www.infobusiness.bcci.bg/content/fi... D0%3irmeni_strategiiprikriza.pdf, posledno poseten na 10.01.2022 g. ( [4] Кехайов, А. Управлявай дръзко и мъдро. Алфа Куолити България, 2014 г., ISBN 978 6199030011, фрагмент, достъпен на адрес: https://www.infobusiness.bcci.bg/content/fi... D0%3ирмени_стратегииприкриза.pdf, последно посетен на 10.01.2022 г. ) [5] Stoyanov, V. Upravlenie na stresa v organizatsiyata. Varna, Steno, 2020, 198 s., ISBN: 978-619-241-119-0. ( [5] Стоянов, В. Управление на стреса в организацията. Варна, Стено, 2020, 198 с., ISBN: 978-619-241-119-0. ) [6] Greiner L., Evolution and revolution as organizations grow, Harvard Business Review, 1972, 4, dostapen na adres: https://hbr.org/1998/05/evolution-and-revol... kakto i na adres: https://ils.unc.edu/daniel/131/cco4/Greiner... posledno poseteni na 09.01.2022 g. ( [6] Greiner L., Evolution and revolution as organizations grow, Harvard Business Review, 1972, 4, достъпен на адрес: https://hbr.org/1998/05/evolution-and-revol... както и на адрес: https://ils.unc.edu/daniel/131/cco4/Greiner... последно посетени на 09.01.2022 г. ) [7] Stefanova, M. & Stoyanova, A., 2016. Process-Based Approach in the Quality Management Systems Implementation. // Varna, Science and Economics, University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 470-476. |