Scientific paper ID 2189 : 2022/1
Kalin Kalinov The System approach is of the most popular applied and theoretical methods. Every researcher claims to have understanding and applies the approach. Unfortunately, these understandings and applications very often are interpreted personally and reflect the individual understanding. This fact seriously simplifies the system concept. This is the reason to set as a goal of the publication – to provide general framework of the popular understanding of the system concept and to point the most common mistakes. The paper presents brief explanation of the some of the most popular system effects and paradoxes. The publication addresses: systematic property, connectivity, management, cause-effect concept. Some metaphors are provided to explain “observer effect”, “butterfly effect”, “domino effect”, synergy, sensitivity to initial conditions. The idea is that incorrect understanding of the system concept leads to incorrect application and results in incorrect conclusions. The paper is a part of deeper research, which deals the application of the system approach in the field of Organizational Theory. In conclusion, we may say that the system approach and the system thinking in individual perspective are in a complex iterative relation that has a systematic nature in turn.
теория на системите система системно мислене сложност системни парадокси системни ефекти синергия.System Theory systems system thinking complexity system paradox system effect synergy.Kalin Kalinov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kasti, Dzh. Bolshie sistemy. Svyaznost, slozhnost i katastrofy. (Prevod ot angliyski na ruski ezik) - Moskva: MIR, 1982. ( [1] Касти, Дж. Большие системы. Связность, сложность и катастрофы. (Превод от английски на руски език) - Москва: МИР, 1982. ) [2] Ball, Philip. The strange link between the human mind and quantum physics. 2017. Statiyata e dostapna na adres: http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20170215-the... posledno poseten na 05.05 2021. ( [2] Ball, Philip. The strange link between the human mind and quantum physics. 2017. Статията е достъпна на адрес: http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20170215-the... последно посетен на 05.05 2021. ) [3] Yaneer, Bar-Yam. Dynamics of complex systems. Reading, Addison-Wesley. Massachusetts. 1997. [4] Elektronen rechnik „Cambridge Dictionary“ Dostapen na adres: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary... posledno poseten na 07.05.2021. ( [4] Електронен речник „Cambridge Dictionary“ Достъпен на адрес: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary... последно посетен на 07.05.2021. ) [5] Sayt na Balgarsko natsionalno radio. Dostapen na adres: https://bnr.bg/post/101396288/povishena-raj... ( [5] Сайт на Българско национално радио. Достъпен на адрес: https://bnr.bg/post/101396288/povishena-raj... ) [6] Sayt na Doyche Vele. Dostapen na adres: https://www.dw.com/bg/, posledno poseten na 07.05.2021. ( [6] Сайт на Дойче Веле. Достъпен на адрес: https://www.dw.com/bg/, последно посетен на 07.05.2021. ) [7] Sayt na Stanfordskata entsiklopediya po filosofiya (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Dostapen na adres: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qt-uncer... posledno poseten na 05.05.2021. ( [7] Сайт на Станфордската енциклопедия по философия (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Достъпен на адрес: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qt-uncer... последно посетен на 05.05.2021. ) |