Scientific paper ID 2179 : 2021/2

Lubomir Sekulov

Subject to modernisation is the C0805 module of the control system (CS) block circuit, which discharges the main control and safety function on CS voltages and on the voltages for the auxiliary demands of the tram motrice (TM) Ве4/6S. The C0805 circuit herein was created and commissioned in the latest modernisation of TM Ве4/6S within the period 02.1998-09.1999.

The electric transport vehicles (ETV) manufactured before 2000 use electronic components with considerable shortcomings: the capacitors have a much shorter service life than modern ones, the operational amplifiers are not thermally compensated, resistor failures are more frequent, electromechanic contact systems are less reliable, high-power tools have higher internal resistances, etc. These shortcomings cause problems in the exploitation and maintenance of ETV today.

The development of technology over the recent years and the use of nanotechnologies in the production of contemporary ETV increases their service reliability. The availability of accessible, high-quality electronic tools and modules allows for the modernisation and the gradual upgrading of the ETV, so as to make them compliant with the ments of transport safety and security.

The report presents a modernised design providing security against minimum and maximum voltages and ensuring that such voltages are controlled by the CS for ТМ Ве4/6S . A microprocessor control system (MCS) was designed and developed. The main purpose of the development work was to improve the reliability of the ETV while in service and to ensure easy service maintenance. The proposed new technical solutions have been developed based on contemporary microprocessor technology, which allows for the optimisation of the MCS functions. The engineering development and design have relied on solutions relevant to the current state of the art and the fail-free operation of modern electronic components.

електрически транспорт системи за контрол и защита трамвайна мотрисаrailway transport overhead contact line ice train movementLubomir Sekulov


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