Scientific paper ID 2171 : 2021/4

Vladislav Boynovski

The report examines studies of different modes of operation of an asynchronous traction motor, actuating an electric vehicle. The research was performed on a Renault Kangoo, converted from petrol to electric vehicle. An asynchronous motor with vector control is used as a propulsion traction motor. It is equipped with measurement device that allows to record the main properties of the motor: power, torque, motor speed, energy consumption, instantaneous values of current and voltage, motor temperature. The tests were carried out when driving in real urban conditions, and the main parameters of movement, such as speed, acceleration, distance traveled and altitude were recorded using GPS and accelerometer. The following modes of vehicle motion were examined: acceleration, inertial motion, uniform motion, regenerative braking and motion at different road profiles. The mechanical, speed and efficiency - characteristics at different loads are presented.

Finally, the obtained results for all operating modes are analyzed.

електромобили електрически задвижвания асинхронни двигателиelectric cars electric drives induction motorsVladislav Boynovski


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