Scientific paper ID 2167 : 2021/4

Krasimir Canev

Bridge cranes are one of the most common lifting machines, performing spatial movement of loads. They move on rails located at a certain height from the floor. They work mainly in premises (production workshops, warehouses, etc.) or outdoors on overpasses on loading and unloading platforms.

The normal and trouble-free operation of bridge cranes depends exclusively on their proper operation, timely repair and careful and regular maintenance. During the inspection, special attention must be paid to the condition of the brakes and the attachment of the lifting rope to the electric hoists or drums of the trolleys.

The main technical, geometric and operational parameters characterizing the construction and technological capabilities of bridge cranes are: nominal lifting capacity, which is a constant value in the entire opening of the crane and the load diagram G = f (L) is straight, parallel to the abscissa, hole L is the distance between the axes of the rails of the crane track, lifting height H, base B, as well as travel and lift speeds.

The report examines and analyzes different design solutions of different types of overhead crane cranes used in different spheres of economic life.

товароподемни кранове едногредови мостови кранове двугредови мостови кранове конструкцииcranes single girder bridge cranes double girder bridge cranes structuresKrasimir Canev


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[2] Spasov V., Inzhenerna logistika (Podemno-transportni mashini, protsesi i sistemi), Tehnika, 2012, ISBN 9789540307008
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[4] – BULKEM EOOD – Proizvoditel na tovaropodemni kranove
( [4] – БУЛКЕМ ЕООД – Производител на товароподемни кранове )




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