Scientific paper ID 2165 : 2021/4
Diana Dragieva Transport is studied from the standpoint of a systematic approach. This implies considering transport as a large and complex system. This approach allows for extensive use of the achievements of modern science. Increasing the efficiency of management and the overall functioning of transport systems in modern conditions is impossible without in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge. One of the main tasks to be solved at the present stage is the complex disclosure of the problematic situation in the large economic systems. In today”s economy more and more often used terms such as ”total quality” or ”organizational excellence”. This trend is expressed by many organizations around the world, and in recent years in Bulgaria, which build their structure and management in such a way as to meet the challenges posed by the modern market, and which are expressed in the concept of ”quality”. Developing a methodological model and methodology for risk management, taking into account the specificities of the studied system would contribute to the improvement of risk management in the railway system of the Republic of Bulgaria.
железопътен транспорт риск качество безопасностrail transport risk quality safetyDiana Dragieva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Evropeyska komisiya. Transport // https://ec.europa.eu/info/topics/transport_... ( [1] Европейска комисия. Транспорт // https://ec.europa.eu/info/topics/transport_... ) [poseten na 18.06.2021g] ( [посетен на 18.06.2021г] ) [2] Dimitrov, Dimitar, Erdoan HADZhIEV, Georgi TsANKOV. Bezopasnost i zdrave pri rabota v transporta – tendentsii i nasoki za razvitie na profesionalnoto obuchenie // https://otgovori.info/bzr-transport/ ( [2] Димитров, Димитър, Ердоан ХАДЖИЕВ, Георги ЦАНКОВ. Безопасност и здраве при работа в транспорта – тенденции и насоки за развитие на професионалното обучение // https://otgovori.info/bzr-transport/ ) [poseten na 18.06.2021g] ( [посетен на 18.06.2021г] ) [3] Direktiva (ES) 2016/798 na Evropeyskiya parlament i na Saveta ot 11 may 2016 g. otnosno bezopasnostta na zhelezopatniya transport// https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/... ( [3] Директива (ЕС) 2016/798 на Европейския парламент и на Съвета от 11 май 2016 г. относно безопасността на железопътния транспорт// https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/... ) [4] Narodno sabranie. Zakon za zhelezopatniya transport. // Darzhaven vestnik, br. 97 ot 28 Noemvri 2000 g. // https://lex.bg/en/laws/ldoc/2134950912 ( [4] Народно събрание. Закон за железопътния транспорт. // Държавен вестник, бр. 97 от 28 Ноември 2000 г. // https://lex.bg/en/laws/ldoc/2134950912 ... ) [5] Natsionalen statisticheski institut // https://www.nsi.bg ( [5] Национален статистически институт // https://www.nsi.bg ) [poseten na 19.06.2021g] ( [посетен на 19.06.2021г] ) [6] Nikolov, Vasko R. FAKTORI, VLIYaEShtI VARHU BEZOPASNOSTTA V ZhELEZOPATNIYa TRANSPORT. DP „NATsIONALNA KOMPANIYa ZhELEZOPATNA INFRASTRUKTURA” SOFIYa, BALGARIYa // http://mech-ing.com/journal/Archive/2010/8-... ( [6] Николов, Васко Р. ФАКТОРИ, ВЛИЯЕЩИ ВЪРХУ БЕЗОПАСНОСТТА В ЖЕЛЕЗОПЪТНИЯ ТРАНСПОРТ. ДП „НАЦИОНАЛНА КОМПАНИЯ ЖЕЛЕЗОПЪТНА ИНФРАСТРУКТУРА” СОФИЯ, БЪЛГАРИЯ // http://mech-ing.com/journal/Archive/2010/8-... ) |