Scientific paper ID 2157 : 2021/3
Hristina Spiridonova There are many indicators for assessing the technical and economic efficiency of a radiocommunication system (RCS). Among them are the real speed of information transmission, the maximum bandwidth and energy potential of the communication channel, the resistance to interference and others. The nonlinear signal processing systems in RCS, the nonlinear propagation medium, the real time and frequency characteristics of the radio communication channels, etc. lead to distortion of the signal shape, insufficient use of the bandwidth of the communication channel and reduced transmission speed. This is a serious problem for the implementation of efficient and high-speed digital systems and increase the resistance to interference in them.
One of the possible approaches to solving the above-mentioned problems is by using matching filters in the transmitter and receiver of the RCS. Through them, a change in the form of the transmitted signal is realized, which will provide compensation of the reaction of the communication channel. This report uses a technique to evaluate the effectiveness of RCS with matching filters based on game theory. Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics for the study of operations that studies strategic mathematical models and decision-making in conflict situations. They consider two antagonistic sides with opposite goals. The main approach is the mini-max procedure, and the ultimate goal is to develop an optimal strategy for maximum energy efficiency. съгласуващи филтри ефективност на радиокомуникационна система игрови моделmatching filters efficiency of radio communication system game modelHristina Spiridonova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Proakis J. and Salehi M. Communication Systems Engineering. - Prentice-Hall.: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002. [2] Cherneva G. Sintez i izsledvane na signali, nepredizvikvashti prehodni protsesi v kanala za vrazka. Godishnik na VTU «T. Kableshkov» ISSN 1314-362X, br.5 2014g. ( [2] Чернева Г. Синтез и изследване на сигнали, непредизвикващи преходни процеси в канала за връзка. Годишник на ВТУ «Т. Каблешков» ISSN 1314-362X, бр.5 2014г. ) [4] G. Owen. Game theory, Academic Press, New York, 1982. [5] Taha, Hemdi A. Vvedenie v issledovanie operatsii. M. Vilyams, 2007 ( [5] Таха, Хэмди А. Введение в исследование операции. М. Вильямс, 2007 ) |