Scientific paper ID 2154 : 2021/3
Filip Iliev, Radostina Hristova The complex of research in the field of functionally sustainable technical systems is related to design and development in our time of complex, autonomous technical systems operating in extreme conditions – primarily aerospace and missile-strike systems. Their high cost and potential danger ensuring an appropriate level of reliability and safety of their operation. In addition, traditional methods based on multiple redundancy, introducing systems for built-in control and of elements with an increased level of reliability can degrade the technical-economic characteristics of the designed systems, characterized by high ments for weight and dimensions, without leading to the necessary reduction the probability of dangerous situations.
In the article proposes and substantiates the structure of an adaptive system for automatic control with identification of dynamic characteristics, using a combined control principle: adaptive control, relatively smooth change of parameters due to parametric disturbances and change of the control structure of the system in hopping change of parameters due to failures of the individual subsystems. диагностика на автономни технически системи надеждност функционална устойчивост на динамични системиdiagnostics of autonomous technical systems reliability functional stability of dynamic systems.Filip Iliev Radostina Hristova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Andonov A., Z. Hubenova, Funktsionalna ustoychivost na informatsionno-upravlyavashti kompleksi v kritichni prilozheniya. Sofiya, VTU, 2011g. ISBN 954-12-0092 ( [1] Андонов А., З. Хубенова, Функционална устойчивост на информационно-управляващи комплекси в критични приложения. София, ВТУ, 2011г. ISBN 954-12-0092 ) [2] Bek V., Integrirovannyye sistemy terminalnogo upravleniya. M.Nauka, 1999 ( [2] Бек В., Интегрированные системы терминального управления. М.Наука, 1999 ) [3] Hubenova Z., Sistemno-informatsionen analiz na choveshkiya faktor v slozhni tehnicheski sistemi. Universitetsko izdatelstvo „Sv. Kl. Ohridski“ – Sofiya, 2021 ( [3] Хубенова З., Системно-информационен анализ на човешкия фактор в сложни технически системи. Университетско издателство „Св. Кл. Охридски“ – София, 2021 ) [4] Astrom K., Computer Controlled Systems, Prentice – Hall, 2004 [5] Andonov A., Stefanova I., A method of failure identification and diagnostics for use with systems for adoptive control through the application of the functions of Walsh. Journal scientific and applied research, vol.1, 2012, ISSN 1314-6289 |