Scientific paper ID 2153 : 2021/3
Emil Iontchev1), Rosen Miletiev2), Lachezar Hristov1), Todor Todorov1) Measurement of deformations of construction facilities (dam walls, retaining walls, etc.) and geodynamic processes (landslides, screes, rockslides), in order to timely establish the process of relocation and stability loss as well as taking measures to prevent them, is performed based on data collection and analysis from several types of sensors. For maximum reliability of the obtained results, it is necessary to carefully select the types of sensors and their location on the site.
The article proposes a method for estimating a change in the position of a measuring pole. When a change in his position is registered, it is used as a signal for an unwanted process that has already begun. For this purpose, the inertial measuring module for absolute orientation BNO055 from Bosch was used. In real conditions, the module should be attached to a pole driven deep into the monitored area. To assess the sensitivity and stability of the obtained data from the module, an experimental setup was used, which allows a change in its position through a certain number of angular degrees. BNO055 connects via the I2C interface to the Raspberry Pi platform, where the received data is processed and recorded. The change in body position is estimated by Euler angles or by quaternions obtained directly at the output of the module. In order to fulfill the condition for monitoring the site at several different points, it is possible to connect identical modules to each other via a ZigBee network and to transmit the collected data to the network coordinator. It has a connection to the Internet, thus providing the opportunity for remote monitoring of data from individual modules. акселерометър жироскоп магнитометър инклинометър инерциален измервателен модул ъгли на Ойлер кватерниони Raspberry Piaccelerometer gyroscope magnetometer inclinometer inertial measurement unit Euler angles quaternions Raspberry PiEmil Iontchev) Rosen Miletiev) Lachezar Hristov) Todor Todorov) BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Ivanov R., Engineering surveying and deformation surveys, Monograph, Sofia, 2020, ISBN 978-954-12-0272-2 [2] Yuwono B D, Y Prasetyo, Analysis Deformation Monitoring Techniques Using GNSS Survey and Terrestrial Survey (Case Studi: Diponegoro University Dam, Semarang, Indonesia), 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 313 012045 [3] Poluzzi Luca, Luca Tavasci, Francesco Corsini, Maurizio Barbarella, Stefano Gandolfi, Low-cost GNSS sensors for monitoring applications, Applied Geomatics (2020) 12 (Suppl 1):S35–S44, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12518-019-00268-5 ... [4] Zheng Yanli, Rui Zhang, Shengfeng Gu, A new PPP algorithm for deformation monitoring with single-frequency receiver, Earth Syst. Sci. 123, No. 8, December 2014, pp. 1919–1926 [5] Tsanovski Yu., Ts. Danchev, Precise Point Positioning (PPP) za nuzhdite na geodezicheskata praktika, Godishnik na universiteta po arhitektura, stroitelstvo i geodeziya, Sofiya, Tom 51, 2018, Broy 9 ( [5] Цановски Ю., Ц. Данчев, Precise Point Positioning (PPP) за нуждите на геодезическата практика, Годишник на университета по архитектура, строителство и геодезия, София, Том 51, 2018, Брой 9 ) [6] Bellone T., P. Dabove, A.M. Manzino, C. Taglioretti Real-time monitoring for fast deformations using GNSS low-cost receivers, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 7:2, 458-470, 2016, DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2014.966867 [7] Manzini Nicolas, André Orcesi, Christian Thom, Antoine Clément, Serge Botton, Miguel Ortiz, John Dumoulin, Structural Health Monitoring using a GPS sensor network, NDT.net Issue - 2018-11 – Articles, 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2018), July 10-13, 2018 in Manchester, UK (EWSHM 2018) [8] Erol Bihter, Evaluation of High-Precision Sensors in Structural Monitoring, Sensors 2010, 10, 10803-10827, doi:10.3390/s101210803, ISSN 1424-8220 [9] Green Gordon E., P. Erik Mikkelsen, Deformation Measurements with Inclinometers, Transportation Research Record, Issue Number: 1169, ISSN: 0361-1981 [10] https://leica-geosystems.com/products/level... [11] Ivanov I, S. Vetova, G. Stanchev, Cryptographic Algorithm IDA for Security and Data Storage Increase in the Integrated Application of the European System ”Ecall” For Automatic Emergency Calls in Car Accidents, IJEIT - Impact Factor: 2.137, Volume 4, Issue 12, June 2015, pp. 10 – 13, ISSN: 2277-3754 |