Scientific paper ID 2151 : 2021/3

Hristo Hristov, Mariya Hristova

The two alternative possibilities of diversity are recalled: to detect errors and fault (fail-safe means) and to mask errors and fault (fault - tolerance means). The article presents the circuit-algorithmic solutions for achieving fault tolerance through diversity in the 1 1 system in both variants - permanently d reserve and redundancy reservation. Their fault tolerance properties are shown.

The article aims to find and study a mathematical model for quantifying the influence and magnitude of diversity on the fault tolerance of two-channel systems. A measure of the depth of diversity D is introduced as a relative share of the independent channel failures to all failures in the system. A logical-probabilistic approach is applied to mathematical modeling. New formulas for reliability indicators are derived depending on the depth of diversity. Studies have been made of non-recoverable systems that illustrate the effect of depth of diversity. A new formula for the mean time to failure of the two-channel diversity system is derived, according to which a calculation is made. It has been theoretically found that the complete independence of the two channels has the most favorable effect on fault tolerance. Based on the approach presented, results can be found for recoverable systems in which the effect is tens and hundreds of times stronger.

диверситет отказ излишък надеждност отказоустойчивостDiversity Failure Redundancy Reliability Fault toleranceHristo Hristov Mariya Hristova


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