Scientific paper ID 2150 : 2021/3
Ilko Tarpov In modern life, the development of large cities is associated with the speed characteristics of the movements of people in them. There is a relationship between the territorial expansion of the city and the development of transport communications. One of the important tasks of the municipal councils in the settlements is to provide fast, reliable and cultural services
to the population within the city and the adjacent suburban areas, through scientifically based approaches, methods and means. Well-organized urban passenger transport plays an important role in the proper functioning of a territorial unit. The material analyzes the operational readiness of the existing power supply lines and equipment in the traction rectification stations (TRS) and the existing air contact network (ACN) for electricity supply of trolleybus transport in the city of Plovdiv. The ments for maintenance and operation of TRS and ACN in terms of their parameters and available documentation are presented. The energy efficiency of the power supply network in case of possible purchase of new electric vehicles was also monitored. The reliability of the equipment and devices for switching and protection is also considered. The aging and durability of the insulation materials in the existing power supply system of non-autonomous rolling stock have been monitored. The importance of the human factor in the operation and maintenance of electrical equipment is indicated. In conclusion, general conclusions are made. Електроснабдяване тролейбусен транспорт надеждност електроизолационни материали стареене дълготрайност на изолацията якостElectricity supply trolleybus transport reliability electrical insulating materials aging durability of insulation streIlko Tarpov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Tsvetkova S., Analiz na gradskiya patnicheski transport na Sofiya i nasoki za negovoto razvitie, UNSS, Sofiya, 2016, https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troleybusen_t... ( [1] Цветкова С., Анализ на градския пътнически транспорт на София и насоки за неговото развитие, УНСС, София, 2016, https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тролейбусен_т... ) [2] Marinov M., P. Stoyanov, Analiz na sastoyanieto na troleybusnata elektricheska mrezha v grad Ruse, Nauchni trudove na rusenski universitet, tom 50, 2011, X-116 ( [2] Маринов М., П. Стоянов, Анализ на състоянието на тролейбусната електрическа мрежа в град Русе, Научни трудове на русенски университет, том 50, 2011, X-116 ) [3] Tomcheva M., G. Pavlov, T. Lalev, L. Sekulov, M. Nedelchev, Yu. Kyosev, L. Mihaylov, Izsledvane na energetichnite parametri na tokoizpravitelni stantsii za nazemen gradski elektricheski transport, n.s. MTK, tom 16, br. 3/2, 2018, ( [3] Томчева М., Г. Павлов, Т. Лалев, Л. Секулов, М. Неделчев, Ю. Кьосев, Л. Михайлов, Изследване на енергетичните параметри на токоизправителни станции за наземен градски електрически транспорт, н.с. МТК, том 16, бр. 3/2, 2018, ) [4] Obshti tehnicheski iziskvaniya za kontaktni mrezhi za gradski elektricheski transport, Sofiya, 1999, ( [4] Общи технически изисквания за контактни мрежи за градски електрически транспорт, София, 1999, ) [5] Kachaunov T., V. Stamenov, Gradski patnicheski transport, VVTU „T. Kableshkov“, Sofiya, 1994, ( [5] Качаунов Т., В. Стаменов, Градски пътнически транспорт, ВВТУ „Т. Каблешков“, София, 1994, ) [6] Inventaren opis na „Gradski transport - Plovdiv EOOD“, 31.12.2006. ( [6] Инвентарен опис на „Градски транспорт - Пловдив ЕООД“, 31.12.2006. ) |