Scientific paper ID 2148 : 2021/3

Irena Bozhichkova

The report shows how the measurement of the high DC voltage produced at the output of the Cockcroft-Walton generator is performed. A voltage divider is made, consisting not of one, but of many series-connected high-resistance resistors. This is done to extend the equivalent body of the resistor in order to increase the insulation distance between its two ends.

A rational proposal for calibration of the measuring system is presented. With four

digital measuring devices the voltages of several steps of the cascade are read, thus covering

the whole cascade. Their testimonies are recorded and summarized. The measuring system is

adjusted according to the obtained result.

The test system for high DC voltage will be a useful addition to the equipment in the

future laboratory of High Voltage Engineering at the University of Transport ”Todor

Kableshkov”. The aim is to create an opportunity to conduct exercises in the discipline ”High

Voltage Engineering” with students and to get acquainted with the device and the principle of

operation of the scheme.

ТВН техника на високите напрежения изпитвателна високоволтова уредба пробив каскаден умножител на напрежение разряд делител на напрежение волтметър.high voltage equipment high voltage test system breakdown cascade voltage multiplier dischargIrena Bozhichkova



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( [2]Делите л_на_... )

[3] B. I. Albertinskiy, M. P. Svinin KASKADNYYe GENERATORY, Atomizdat 1980.
( [3] Б. И. Албертинский, М. П. Свиньин КАСКАДНЫЕ ГЕНЕРАТОРЫ, Атомиздат 1980. )




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