Scientific paper ID 2147 : 2021/3
Andrey Karapetkov Energy is the engine of civilization, but humanity is in danger of running out
of resources. Minerals - oil, gas and coal - are declining. Due to this, over time it is necessary to make a transformation of the energy sector. New technologies need to be developed and built and existing ones modernized. It is necessary to rely on technological modernization of production and building installations and systems. Electricity billing costs are important for all industrial, public and household subscribers. The constant increase in electricity prices on the energy market predisposes to the demand for new, alternative sources of electricity, as well as the need to build systems for autonomous power supply of buildings. In recent years, the search for new ways to supply electricity to buildings and enterprises through renewable energy sources has been encouraged, in order to reduce the value of electricity, or to use the produced electricity to supply their own needs. The most common systems running on renewable energy are photovoltaic systems. They have the greatest application compared to other renewable energy sources. For the proper design and operation of such a system, it is necessary to carefully study and properly select each component of the system. To support this, the report presents the studied parameters with a meteorological station, necessary for calculation by methodology, for building a photovoltaic system situated on the roof of an existing enterprise, for additional power supply, in which the sun is used as an energy source. ВЕИ слънчева енергия температура налягане валежи вятър UV облъчвания и светлинаRenewable energy sources solar energy temperature pressure precipitation wind UV radiation and lightAndrey Karapetkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] DZZD „Chista Energiya“, 2019 godina, Narachnik kam integrirana strategiya za razvitie na energiyna efektivnost na nivo transgranichen region Ruse - Gyurgevo ( [1] ДЗЗД „Чиста Енергия“, 2019 година, Наръчник към интегрирана стратегия за развитие на енергийна ефективност на ниво трансграничен регион Русе - Гюргево ) [2] Vesko Panov, Stefka Nedelcheva, Detelin Markov, Veselin Chobanov. - Hibridna trigenerirashta energopreobrazuvashta sistema, izvestiya na TU-Sliven, № 3, 2013 ( [2] Веско Панов, Стефка Неделчева, Детелин Марков, Веселин Чобанов. - Хибридна тригенерираща енергoпреобразуваща система, известия на ТУ-Сливен, № 3, 2013 ) [3] Nedelcheva S., Elektricheski Mrezhi. Sofiya, MP izdatelstvo na TU-Sofiya, 2005. ( [3] Неделчева С., Електрически Мрежи. София, МП издателство на ТУ-София, 2005. ) [4] Notov P., S. Nedelcheva. Elektroenergetika, chast parva, Sofiya, izd. na TU-Sofiya, 2009. ( [4] Нотов П., С. Неделчева. Електроенергетика, част първа, София, изд. на ТУ-София, 2009. ) [5] Rayna Mladencheva. Fotovoltaichni elektrosistemi – treto dopalnitelno izdanie. Ekovat tehnologii ( [5] Райна Младенчева. Фотоволтаични електросистеми – трето допълнително издание. Ековат технологии ) [6] Valkov M., I. Petrov, Inovativen metod za dobivane na vazobnovyaema elektricheska energiya. Godishnik na TU – Sofiya, t.63, kn. 6, 2013 g., str. 95-102 ( [6] Вълков М., И. Петров, Иновативен метод за добиване на възобновяема електрическа енергия. Годишник на ТУ – София, т.63, кн. 6, 2013 г., стр. 95-102 ) |