Scientific paper ID 2146 : 2021/3

Petko Kostadinov

The use of renewable energy sources creates opportunities for achieving sustainable energy development and reducing the carbon footprint on the environment. In this regard, the use of wind energy is a matter of great importance. In recent years, many wind farms with significant capacity have been built outside settlements, which in turn have created new problems in terms of transmission, balancing and use of energy generated by them. The possibility of building wind farms in urban areas, consisting of a large number of small units with low cost is still unexplored. The construction of such systems would lead to decentralized generation of electricity and opportunities for its direct use without generating losses in the transmission network. In order to build urban-type wind farms, it is necessary to prove their feasibility and energy efficiency. For this purpose it is necessary to make research on the wind energy potential in urban areas. To this end, a wind energy potential data collection system has been designed in this report. The data acquisition system has the ability to measure wind speed and duration of the corresponding speed. This creates an opportunity not only to study the wind potential in urban areas, but also to determine the wind speed that

carries the most energy. These data are useful when designing small wind energy turbines and positioning small wind energy turbines. The existence of such a system creates opportunities to verify the reliability of the computational methods used in the design and construction of the wind energy turbine system on the territory of the University of Transport[1].

Ветрогенератор възобновяеми източници ветрови потенциалWind generator renewable sources wind energy potentialPetko Kostadinov


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