Scientific paper ID 2140 : 2021/3

Lyubomir Sekulov, Irena Bozhichkova, Martin Zlatkov, Martina Tomcheva

The university departments offering studies in Power Economy necessarily give a course of High Voltage Engineering on their curricula. This s the visualisation of some of the transitional processes occurring during high-voltage equipment operation on direct current and constant voltage. A visualisation of these processes could be recreated in a training laboratory with the help of specialised equipment, where a voltage multiplier is used to ensure a constant voltage.

This report provides a deion of the testing method used in the testing of the load capacity and the discharge process for the voltage multiplier designed and constructed for the purpose. It also accounts for the measurement method and the experimental laboratory design. The measurement data are provided as they constitute the technical parameters and features of the high-voltage testing equipment for constant voltage. The equipment will be used to complete the furnishing of the future High-Voltage Engineering Lab of Todor Kableshkov University of Transport. The objective is to create an opportunity for conducting exercises in High Voltage Engineering, so that the students can familiarise themselves visually with the circuit construction and method of operation, its parameters and features and its effect on the load capacity of the equipment. The latter can be used as a powerful supply source of constant high voltage.

ТВН Техника на високите напрежения лаборатория изпитвателна високоволтова уредба трекингоустойчивост пропълзяващ ток пробив изолация изолатор импулсен генератор искроустойчивост дъгоустойчивост.High voltage equipment high voltage laboratory Lyubomir Sekulov Irena Bozhichkova Martin Zlatkov Martina Tomcheva


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