Scientific paper ID 2134 : 2021/3
Ludmil Popov, Vasil Dimitrov Tsypkin”s method was developed to determine both time constants of DC motors with independent excitation - mechanical TM (related to the inertia of rotating masses) and electromagnetic (function of inductance and resistance of the armature winding). For the purpose, only one output coordinate is determined - the current of the armature winding, as a carrier of information for both electromagnetic and mechanical processes in the object. The main limitation of the method is the ment for a single input impact. The accuracy in finding the mechanical time constant is low and it increases with decreasing sampling period t. In addition TM cannot be determined in real operation mode.
The modification of the method serves the purpose of shortening the time of the experiment by converting the expressions from the classical method. Thus, to determine Ta is enough to know the values of the currents from the beginning of the process until t = 4.t, whereas to determine TM the modification is reduced to the use of the expression for the mechanical time constant from the modified Suvorov method, as integration time in this case is 4.t. The performed simulation of the modified method with the Simulink module verifies it as a method for operative identification with a minimum experiment duration - 4.t, and significantly higher accuracy than the classical method. постояннотоково електрозадвижване механична време-константа електромагнитна времеконстантаmechanical constant electromagnetic constantLudmil Popov Vasil Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Tsypkin Ya., Algoritmy dinamicheskoy adaptatsii, M., Nauka, 1972. ( [1] Цыпкин Я., Алгоритмы динамической адаптации, М., Наука, 1972. ) [2] Popov L., Modifikatsiya na metoda na Suvorov za identifikatsiya na aperiodichen obekt ot vtori red, IV Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya „Tehnika, tehnologii, obrazovanie, sigurnost”, yuni 2016 g., V. Tarnovo ( [2] Попов Л., Модификация на метода на Суворов за идентификация на апериодичен обект от втори ред, IV Международна научна конференция „Техника, технологии, образование, сигурност”, юни 2016 г., В. Търново ) [3] Terehin V., Osnovy modelirovaniya v Matlab Chast2. Simulink, Novokuznetsk, 2004. ( [3] Терёхин В., Основы моделирования в Matlab Часть2. Simulink, Новокузнецк, 2004. ) [4] Chernyh I. V. Modelirovanie elektrotehnicheskih ustroystv v MATLAB, SimPowerSystems i Simulink, DMK Press, Moskva 2008. ( [4] Черных И. В. Моделирование электротехнических устройств в MATLAB, SimPowerSystems и Simulink, ДМК Пресс, Москва 2008. ) [5] MathWorks, Simulink User’s Guide, 2019. |