Scientific paper ID 2131 : 2021/3
Mustafa Hatıpler Logistics is a system that ensures the delivery of products and services to customers around the world. This system covers a wide range of business from planning to delivery. Within this business area, strategic planning, customer service, transportation, purchasing, warehousing, material handling, inventory tracking, demand forecasting management, etc. activities are d.
It is a fact that the employment creation power of logistics, which has such a wide field of work, is also very large. The employment created by logistics has both a qualified and dynamic structure. The factor that limits or expands the employment generation capacity of logistics is education. The individual aspect of education is undoubtedly a great thing that it brings to the person. However, the training that emerges for an employment has to respond to the sectoral demands. In this sense, it is essential that logistics education responds to the national and international competitive environment and rapid change situations that have emerged with globalization and globalization. Education that will not respond to these situations, As it will not meet the needs and expectations of the sector, it will stay away from creating employment. Logistics, which is a newly developing sector in our country as well as in the world, will become the leading sector in line with the developments worldwide. For this reason, qualified workforce, which is the need and demand of the sector, has to be prepared by educational institutions. In our country, secondary and higher education institutions are making a great effort in this regard. Considering that logistics does not only consist of logistics, but can also be a leader in more than one sector, there is no doubt that our country, which has chronic problems in unemployment, can also contribute to the solution of this problem. логистика образование национални професионални стандарти.Logistics Education National Occupational Standards.Mustafa Hatıpler BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Acar, Z. A. (2010).“Lojistik Yeteneklerin, Strateji- Performans İlişkisi Üzerindeki Rolü: Kobi’ler Üzerinde Bir Saha Araştırması”, Atatürk University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 24 (4), pp.1-21. 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