Scientific paper ID 2117 : 2021/3
Vanio Ralev, Dobrinka Atmadzhova In the designs of passenger bogies are built-in devices, that create return
force, which elastically obstructing the deviations of the car body of the passenger car from the middle position. Such a device is the swing device from the secondary spring suspension of passenger bogies - swing type. As a basic element from the secondary spring suspension of these bogies are swing pendants. The publication presents a calculation method of a swing suspension for fatigue strength, characterized by virtual simulation of the operational loads of units and elements of the passenger bogie with the help of a selected representative operational railway section, through which adequate reporting is ensured reporting the damaging effect of all depreciation cycles (or maintenance). A future presentation of a strong notion has been established pronounced degree dependence on reliability indicators of the studied structure pendants of the coefficient of friction in the joints. The reason for the accelerated destruction by fatigue of swing pendants are the occurrence of inadmissible normal stresses of cyclic nature, arising from bending moments due to high values of the coefficient of friction in the joints when the main bending moments act together. The results of the conducted research on the swing suspensions of a passenger bogie are considered sufficiently reliable, because they show good compliance with operating data. подвижен железопътен състав пътнически талиги ресорно окачване люлков тип люлчени подвески.rolling stock passenger bogies spring suspension swing type swings pendantsVanio Ralev Dobrinka Atmadzhova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Karadzhov, T. i Zh. Dimitrov, Vagoni, Sofiya, 1988 ( [1] Караджов, Т. и Ж. Димитров, Вагони, София, 1988 ) [2] Petrovic D., Rakanovic R., Zeleznicka vozila Praktikum., Kraljevo, 2006 [3] Stoilov V., Slavchev S., Vagoni, TU Sofiya, S. 2014 ( [3] Стоилов В., Славчев С., Вагони, ТУ София, С. 2014 ) [4] Kolarov I., G. Dimchev. Mashinni elementi. VTU , ”T. Kableshkov”, 2018g ( [4] Коларов И., Г. Димчев. Машинни елементи. ВТУ , ”Т. Каблешков”, 2018г ) [5] Vasilev D., Ivanov A., Teoretichna mehanika, VTU “T. Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2014, Vtoro izdanie, ISBN 978-954-12-0144-2, 420s. ( [5] Василев Д., Иванов А., Теоретична механика, ВТУ “Т. Каблешков”, София, 2014, Второ издание, ISBN 978-954-12-0144-2, 420с. ) [6] Penchev Ts., Atmadzhova D. Yakost i dalgotraynost na avtomobilna i zhelezopatna tehnika., VTU, S. 2007 ( [6] Пенчев Ц., Атмаджова Д. Якост и дълготрайност на автомобилна и железопътна техника., ВТУ, С. 2007 ) [7] Bogie Görlitz V-DVJ - Technique documentation, 2007 [8] Bogie GP200 - Technique documentation, 2000 [9] GOST 4543-71 Prokat iz legirovannoy konstruktsionnoy stali. Tehnicheskie usloviya. ( [9] ГОСТ 4543-71 Прокат из легированной конструкционной стали. Технические условия. ) |