Scientific paper ID 2116 : 2021/3
Slavcho Bozhkov1, Marian Mutafchiev1, Emil Georgiev2 Hydro-electronic injectors are actuated by an electromagnet and inject fuel
into the cylinders at the appropriate injection pressure, which is provided by an external hydraulic (oil) pump and a multiplier piston located internally in the injector. They must ensure a precise fuel metering according to the engine operating mode. The condition for precise dosing is the correct selection and calculation of the hydraulic parameters of the injectors such as injection pressure, diameter and number of injection holes, location of the injection holes, etc. Therefore, the optimization of the hydraulic parameters of the injectors has a direct impact on the efficiency of the internal combustion engine. The methodology for determining the hydraulic parameters of hydroelectric injectors is based on the indicators from the calculation of internal combustion engines, such as fuel consumption, fuel cycle, injection time, etc. The characteristics of the cyclic fuel quantity depending on the engine load are constructed, as well as the characteristics of the injection time from the engine crankshaft speed. These characteristics are used as a starting point for determining the maximum portion of fuel and the time for its injection. The injection pressure and the injection section are determined accordingly. This determines the number and location of the injection holes. The obtained data are used to build the electronic control program. методика впръсквач параметри ДВГmethodology injector parameters ICESlavcho Bozhkov Marian Mutafchiev Emil Georgiev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Ventseslav Madzhirski Mehanika na fluidite, Tehnika, 1991 ( [1] Венцеслав Маджирски Механика на флуидите, Техника, 1991 ) [2] Marian Mutafchiev Rakovodstvo za kursovo proektirane na dvigateli s vatreshno gorene , VTU „T.Kableshkov“ ISBN 987-954-12-0198-5 ( [2] Мариан Мутафчиев Ръководство за курсово проектиране на двигатели с вътрешно горене , ВТУ „Т.Каблешков“ ISBN 987-954-12-0198-5 ) [3] Bozhkov S. Approach of Calculating the Automotive Gasoline Injector Electromagnetic Parameters, International Scientific Journal ”Trans Motauto World”, Print ISSN 2367-8399, Online ISSN 2534-8493, Year IV, Issue 3/2019, pp.91-94, Scientific technical union of mechanical engineering “Industry - 4.0”, 2019 https://stumejournals.com/journals/tm/2019/... [4] Konrad R. Diesel Engine Management. ISBN 978-3-658-03980-6, Springer Vieweg, 2014 [5] Service Information System Media Number: RENR7597, Caterpillar Inc. |