Scientific paper ID 2111 : 2021/3
Boryana T. Ruzhekova-Rogozherova The paper focuses on the assessment of crucial EFL and ESP teaching
process parameters of language awareness, learner motivation and learner autonomy (LA, LM and LrA) in students’ perception perspective under the conditions of online (or distance) teaching at the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport. The study, carried out by means of a survey with questions related to the referred concepts, was developed by the author and filled in by students. The research, which aims at evaluating learners’ attitudes about online teaching efficiency, makes reference to previous author’s studies concerning LA, LM and LrA exploration in face-to-face teaching. The analysis of online EFL and ESP teaching survey results contributes to more completely revealing cognitively oriented, with language learning strategies (LLS) application, distance teaching process effectiveness, and, thus, to better understanding of relatively new online EFL (FL), ESP teaching methodology. To achieve the paper objective, the following subjects will be treated: online EFL (ESP) teaching characteristics, its advantages and challenges faced by teachers and students as well as the essence of LA, LM and LrA constructs, tables with survey results and conclusion as to distance teaching implementation will be offered to readers’ attention. езикова осъзнатост мотивация на обучаемите автономия на обучаемите онлайн преподаване в рамките на АЧЕ и АСЦlanguage awareness learner motivation learner autonomy EFL and ESP online teachingBoryana T. Ruzhekova-Rogozherova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] The history of online education - Peterson`s (petersons.com) [2] Dimitrova N., Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Kontseptsiya za chuzhdoezikovo obuchenie v nova bakalavarska programa po logistika, Sbornik ot yubileyna mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya oktomvri 2020, Publishing complex – UNWE, Sofiya, 2021, 79 – 87 ( [2] Димитрова Н., Ружекова-Рогожерова Б., Концепция за чуждоезиково обучение в нова бакалавърска програма по логистика, Сборник от юбилейна международна научна конференция октомври 2020, Publishing complex – UNWE, София, 2021, 79 – 87 ) [3] Atmojo A. E. P., Nugroho A., EFL Classes Must Go Online! Teaching Activities and Challenges during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia, REGISTER JOURNAL, 13, 1, 2020, 49-76 [4] Felix U., A multivariate analysis of students` experience of web based learning, Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 17, 1, 2001, 21-36 [5] Al-Jarf R. S., The Effects of Online Grammar Instruction on Low Proficiency EFL College Students` Achievement, The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly, 7, 4, 2005, 166-190 [6] Cakrawati L. M., STUDENTS` PERCEPTIONS ON THE USE OF ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORMS IN EFL CLASSROOM, English Language Teaching and Technology Journal (ELT-Tech Journal), 1, 1, 2017, 22 - 30 [7] Morgan H., Best Practices for Implementing Remote Learning during a Pandemic, The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 93, 3, 2020, 135-141 [8] Naqvi S., Zehra I., Online EFL Emergency Remote Teaching during COVID 19, Challenges and Innovative Practices: A Case of Oman, Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Proceedings of 2nd MEC TESOL Conference, 2020, 17-35 [9] Granados A., How is COVID-19 affecting ESL students?, EdNC, https://www.ednc.org/how-is-covid-19-affect... 2020 [10] Nkonge B., Gueldenzoph L., Best Practices in Online Education: Implications for Policy and Practice, Business Education Digest, 15, 2006, 42-53 [11] Quevillon K., Online Teaching: 3 Unique Challenges and How to Solve Them, Top Hat, https://tophat.com/blog/online-teaching-cha... 2020 [12] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Language Awareness, Language Learning Strategies, Contrastive and Comparative Teaching in ELT and ESP, Monograph, E-publisher LiterNet, Varna, 2018, ISBN 978-954-304-427-6 [13] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., EFL Learner Autonomy and Language Awareness Connection among University Students, BETA E-Newsletter, 42, 2019, 18-38 [14] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Learners` Attitudes Assessment in terms of Cognitive Teaching Parameters and Motivation within the English in Geotechnics Course at the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport, Mechanics Transport Communications, 14, 3/1, 2016, IV-11 - IV-16 [15] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Teaching English Language Learning Strategies at the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport, Mechanics Transport Communications, 12, 3/1, 2014, IV-22-IV-27 |