Scientific paper ID 2098 : 2021/3
Nikolay Tsonkov The Bulgarian tourism industry is fast growing and dynamic. It employs approximately 400,000 people, representing 10% of the active population. At the same time, tourism contributed 13% of gross domestic product. In recent years, the number of tourists has been steadily increasing. These data come to say that the Bulgarian state must pay serious attention by adopting a targeted state policy for the development of the industry and promotion of Bulgarian tourist destinations. Major question is what kind of tourists Bulgaria wants according to tourist resources in the state.
The rise of the tourism industry was halted by the onset of the Kovid-19 crisis, which led to a major global economic transformation. The crisis is an opportunity to analyze the problems and to outline a strategy for solving them. The past two years we observe serious decline at the world level. One of the big challenges for the tourism industry in Bulgaria is the provision of skilled labor for seasonal employment. The purpose of this report is to analyze the situation and to outline the problems and opportunities for the development of Bulgarian tourism. The author uses a variety of approaches to achieve the goal such as systemic, territorial, and economic. Туризъм човешки ресурси Covid-19 криза България реклама материална база икономика.Tourism human resources Covid-19 crisis Bulgaria advertisement material base economy. Nikolay Tsonkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dokova, S., Petrov, K., Tsonkov, N. (201) Geoikonomika I Regionalno razvitie. Izdatelstvo na UNSS. Sofia. [2] Ribov, M. (1994) Konkurentziq I konkurentnost na turisticheskiq product. Izd. Stopanstvo. Sofia. [3] Tonchev, Tz. Osnovni polojeniq na strategiqta za “Ustoichivo razvitie na bulgarskiq turizam za perioda 2005 - 2010”. [4] Ministerski savet na R Bulgaria (2003) Nacionalna strategiq za regionalno razvitie. [5] Turisticheski menigment I razvitie, knigka 1, 2006. [6] PHARE tourism program, project: BL 93. 03. „Marketing Strategy for Bulgarian Tourism, 1996. [7] www.competitiveness.bg [8] Ministerstvo na turizma na R Bulgaria. https://www.tourism.government.bg [9] Nacionalen Statisticheski Institut. https://www.nsi.bg |