Scientific paper ID 2096 : 2021/3
Desisilava Yosifova Climate change affects the implementation of NATO`s core activities on all of its missions. The Alliance can contribute to climate change mitigation through technological innovation, relevant investment, incl. by creating and establishing a culture of environmental awareness. The report aims to present the development of some environmental solutions in NATO, incl. aspects of their financial and economic impact on the Alliance`s transport and logistics activities. An overview is given of how green strategies and technologies have been developed and used to meet current environmental challenges facing NATO and the global security sector. It is widely believed that an organization like NATO does not have the function of being a world leader in the fight against climate change, but Alliance can be a major factor in environmental governance in terms of climate change predictability & modeling.
разходи за гориво; енергийна ефективност; зелени решения; НАТОfuel costs; energy efficiency; green solutions; defenceDesisilava Yosifova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Ofitsialen sayt na NATO, https://www.nato.int/ ( [1] Официален сайт на НАТО, https://www.nato.int/ ) [2] Heise, R. NATO is responding to new challenges posed by climate change https://www.nato.int/docu/review/articles/2... [3] Staneva, V., Petkov, T., Model za osiguryavane prozrachnost na razhodite po nazemnoto obsluzhvane i letishtnite taksi, MNK ”TRANSPORT - 2011”, sp.„Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii“, br. 3, 2011, ISSN 1312-3823 ( [3] Станева, В., Петков, Т., Модел за осигуряване прозрачност на разходите по наземното обслужване и летищните такси, МНК ”ТРАНСПОРТ - 2011”, сп.„Механика, транспорт, комуникации“, бр. 3, 2011, ISSN 1312-3823 ) [4] Hornitschek, M. War Without Oil: A Catalyst or True Transformation, Alabama, Maxwell Air Force Base: Center for Strategy and Technology, 2006, dostapno na: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA4633... ( [4] Hornitschek, M. War Without Oil: A Catalyst or True Transformation, Alabama, Maxwell Air Force Base: Center for Strategy and Technology, 2006, достъпно на: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA4633... ) [5] Deloitte LLP, “Energy Security – America’s Best Defense”, Deloitte, www.deloitte.co, dostapno na: https://www.offiziere.ch/wp-content/uploads... ( [5] Deloitte LLP, “Energy Security – America’s Best Defense”, Deloitte, www.deloitte.co, достъпно на: https://www.offiziere.ch/wp-content/uploads... ) [6] Larsen, Kristian K. Unfolding Green Defense: Linking Green Technologies and Strategies to Current Security Challenges in NATO and the NATO Member States. Centre for Military Studies, 2015, www.jstor.org/stable/resrep05270. [7] Shactman, N. “Senate Votes to Save the Navy’s ‘Great Green Fleet“ https://www.wired.com/2012/11/senate-green-... [8] Vaysilova, E., Vliyanie na integriranata otchetnost varhu konkurentosposobnostta na predpriyatiyata, Nauchno–prakticheska konferentsiya „Balgarskata mechta – pozitivnata kontseptsiya“, NBU, 2019, ISBN 978-619-233-131-3, str. 361-374 ( [8] Вайсилова, Е., Влияние на интегрираната отчетност върху конкурентоспособността на предприятията, Научно–практическа конференция „Българската мечта – позитивната концепция“, НБУ, 2019, ISBN 978-619-233-131-3, стр. 361-374 ) |