Scientific paper ID 2092 : 2021/3
Vladimir Boyadzhiev Creating a comprehensive reliability model of a complex technical object (CTO) is in principle a difficult task for objective reasons. The main difficulty lies in the need to cover the diversity of the whole range of mechanisms of occurrence of operational failures: in the mechanical, electrical and other parts of the WTO. And the task of building a comprehensive model of the reliable behavior of the CTO is important, because only through it can be revealed the relationships between the individual reliability processes in the site. The importance of this task is increasing due to the specific conditions under which the technological equipment works for the needs of the transport industry in Bulgaria. A considerable part of it is to a considerable extent morally and physically obsolete with all the problems arising from this circumstance regarding its operational reliability. A specific object of the present study is the component system of “feed drive along the z axis” of a metal-cutting machine (MM) with digital-program control (CNC). The construction of the model is based on the graph theory - it allows for the inclusion in one model of operational failures with a significant variety in the mechanisms of manifestation. The construction of the model takes place in several stages, and each subsequent stage is realized on the basis of the previous one.
надеждност моделиране граф подавателно задвижване металорежеща машинаreliability modeling graph feed drive metal cutting machineVladimir Boyadzhiev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Young Ho Chae, Seung Geun Kim, Poong Hyun Seong, Reliability of the system with loops: Factor graph based approach, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 208, 107407, April 2021, ISSN: 0951-8320, 2021 Elsevier Ltd. [2] Seung Ki Shin, Young Gyu No, Poong Hyun Seong, Improvement of the Reliability Graph with General Gates to Analyze the Reliability of Dynamic Systems That Have Various Operation Modes, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 48, Issue 2, Pages 386-403, ISSN: 1738-5733, 2021, Korea Nuclear Society. [3] Amlana Panda, Ashok Kumar Sahoo, Ramanuj Kumar, Diptikanta Das, A concise review of uncertainty analysis in metal machining, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 26, Part 2, 2020, Pages 1734-1739, ISSN: 2214-7853, 2021, Elsevier Ltd. [4] Tate Shorthill, Han Bao, Hongbin Zhang, Heng Ban, A novel approach for software reliability analysis of digital instrumentation and control systems in nuclear power plants, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 158, 108260, ISSN: 0306-4549, August 2021, Elsevier Ltd. [5] Hui Xiao, Minhao Cao, Balancing the demand and supply of a power grid system via reliability modeling and maintenance optimization, Energy, Volume 210, 118470, ISSN: 0360-5442, 2021, Elsevier Ltd. [6] YeMa, Yuanying Chi, Di Wu, Rui Peng, Shaomin Wu, Reliability of integrated electricity and gas supply system with performance substitution and sharing mechanisms, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 212, 107587, ISSN: 0951-8320, August 2021, Elsevier Ltd. |