Scientific paper ID 2088 : 2021/3

Nikolay Georgiev, Violina Velyova

On September 11, 2001 (known as Day 9/11 in America), Islamist extremists hijacked four planes flying over the United States, and the world watched in horror as transport ”successfully” turned into a brutal weapon. Natural disasters kill an average of 60,000 people a year (causing 0.1% of deaths worldwide), and about 40% of them die using a given transport system (which is negatively affected by the natural disaster). According to the World Health Organization, road accidents caused about 1.35 million deaths worldwide in 2018 (or one person dies every 25 seconds as a result of a traffic accident). This is a small part of the many facts and evidence of how vulnerable transport infrastructure and transport technologies are to some potentially dangerous events that in one way or another lead to highly undesirable accidents in general, often with very serious consequences - significant material damage, killed and /or injured people, threat to the ecological balance, others. This article discusses the essence of the concept of transport security and its significance for society, as well as the main problems and guidelines for research in this area.

транспорт транспортна сигурност управление на сигурносттаtransport transport security security managementNikolay Georgiev Violina Velyova


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