Scientific paper ID 2084 : 2021/3

Selçuk Duranlar, Simeon Ananiev

The transportation system, which is regarded as an indispensable part of our daily life, has a structure that affects the community economically and socially. People carried loads on back and with animals formerly. The wheel was invented and people started loading vehicles. In this way, loads were carried quickly, easily and in a greater amount from one point to another.

The concept of transportation was born with the development of industry and commerce. With the increase of production, the transportation of goods and commodities and also with the introduction of the concept of time, the infrastructural ments and types of transportation have been diversified. Over the last 20 years there has been an increase in the number of products transported using more than one mode of transport. International transportation is a driving force of the countries and leads to economic benefits. In intermodal transport two or more different modes of transport are interlocked in order to carry loads from the point of departure to the point where the carrier is responsible for the carriage. This type of transportation has become preferred due to the cost and environmental factor. Intermodal freight transport infrastructure in Turkey and Bulgaria was investigated. Researches and suggestions for both countries have been presented.

Турция и България ЕС Интермодален транспортTurkey and Bulgaria the EU Intermodal TransportationSelçuk Duranlar Simeon Ananiev



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