Scientific paper ID 2080 : 2021/3
Milanka Bogavac, Zoran Čekerevac The paper analyzes the business opportunities of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of supply chains using digitalization, and the opportunities provided by Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Industrial-Internet-of-Things (IIoT). The impacts of IoT and blockchain technology on supply chains, preventive maintenance, smart metering, fixed asset tracking, and related vehicles are discussed in more detail. Special attention is paid to the potential of SMEs in this area and the risks to which SMEs are exposed. In the final part of the paper, the risks related to security and data protection are analyzed. The authors conclude that digitalization and IoT provide real opportunities for SMEs to accelerate their development and market positioning. Whether they will use these opportunities primarily depends on the leadership of the SME and its readiness for change.
малки и средни предприятия верига на доставки дигитализация интернет на нещата индустриален интернет на нещата блокчейн.SME supply chain digitalization Internet-of-Things Industrial-Internet-of-Things blockchain.Milanka Bogavac Zoran Čekerevac BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Z. Cekerevac, L. Prigoda, and J. Maletic, ”Blockchain Technology and Industrial Internet of Things in the Supply Chains,” MEST Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 39-47, 15 July 2018. [2] C. Newmarker and B. Buntz, ”11 Innovative IoT Use Cases,” 07 12 2016. [Online]. Available: https://www.iotworldtoday.com/2016/12/07/11... [3] S. Perera, ”Taxonomy of IoT Usecases: Seeing IoT Forest from the Trees,” 08 10 2015. [Online]. Available: https://iwringer.wordpress.com/2015/10/08/t... [4] M. Bogavac, Istraživanje uticaja digitalizacije na mikro, mala i srednja privredna društva, doktorska disertacija, Beograd: Poslovni i pravni fakultet, 2019. [5] Z. Cekerevac, Z. Dvorak, L. Prigoda and P. Cekerevac, ”Internet of things and the Man-In-The-Middle attacks – Security and economic risks,” MEST Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 15-25, 15 07 2017. [6] eft, The Internet of Things (IoT) in Supply Chain and Logistics - 2016 Research Findings, AT&T and EFT, 2016. [7] eft, Supply Chain Hot Trends Q1 & Q2 2018, eft and 3Gtms, 2018. [8] Z. Čekerevac, S. Matić, D. Đurić, D. Čelebić and Z. Dvorak, ”SDD ITG ”Smart Shelf” RFID rešenje za inventarisanje robe na udaljenim policama,” IMK-14 Istraživanje i razvoj, pp. 47-52, 2010. [9] F. Tracy, ”The top 5 industrial IoT use cases,” 19 04 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.ibm.com/blogs/internet-of-thing... [10] Z. Čekerevac, S. Matic and D. Djuric, ”ITGfdc-1 Fuel Dispenser Control System as the Technical Solution for Preventing of Non Authorized Fuel Tanking,” in 11th International Scientific Conference devoted to Crises Situations Solution in Specific Environment, Žilina, 2006. [11] Domino, ”DRU - Domino`s Robotic Unit,” 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.dominos.com.au/inside-dominos/t... [12] A. Mukherjee, ”Qatari 3D Printing Startup Arsenal Aims To Inspire Other Tech and Manufacturing Companies In The Country,” 22 01 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/288132... [13] Amazon Go, ”amazon go,” 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.amazon.com/b?node=16008589011. ... [14] Deloitte, ”Doing business in the digital age: the impact of new ICT developments in the global business landscape - Europe’s vision and action plan to foster digital entrepreneurship,” European Commission DG Enterprise and Ind, 2014, 04. [15] S. J. Palmisano, ”IBM 2009 Anual Report,” 23 02 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.ibm.com/annualreport/2009/2009_... [16] A. Barua, S. Ravindran, and A. B. Whinston, ”Efficient Selection of Suppliers over the Internet,” Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 13, pp. 117-137, 1997. [17] Y. Bakos, ”The emerging role of electronic marketplaces on the Internet,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 35-42, 08 1998. [18] A. Bharadwaj, O. Sawy, P. Pavlou, and N. Venkatraman, ”Digital Business Strategy: Towards a Next Generation of Insights,” MIS Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 471-482, 06 2013. [19] C. Sashi, ”Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media,” Management Decision, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 253-272, 2012. [20] A. A. Yusuf, Impact of ICT on SMEs - Case Rwanda, Turku: Turku University of Applied Sciences, 2013. [21] R. Ritchie and C. Brindley, ”Disintermediation, Disintegration, and Risk in the SME Global Supply Chain,” Management Decision, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 575-583, 2000. [22] AICPA/CICA, ”SysTrustTM Principles and Criteria for Systems Reliability, Version 2.0,” 27 06 2013. [Online]. Available: http://ftp.aicpa.org/public/download/temp/v... [23] R. Hoitash, A. Kogan, R. P. Srivastava, and M. A. Vasarhelyi, ”An Electronic Businesses Balanced Scorecard and Digitization Metrics,” 12 09 2003. [Online]. Available: http://raw.rutgers.edu/MiklosVasarhelyi/Res... Articles/MAJOR REFEREED ARTICLES/M39. measuring info latency.pdf. |