Scientific paper ID 2054 : 2020/2
Dimitar Komitov, Blagovest Belev Abstract. Training of watchkeepers is key to successful, safe and efficient work with ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System). The use of the system by an operator who is not well familiar with its work is likely to lead to the occurrence of a hazardous situation. International ments regulate navigational officers onboard a ship with ECDIS as primary system of navigation to have completed generic and type-specific training for using ECDIS. Type-specific training should ensure they are competent in using the specific model and its different functions. In accordance with the current regulations, this paper provides an overview of the existing methods of training with ECDIS and in particular for type – specific trainings. The advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of training are presented and the ments of the different manufacturers, training centers and web based platforms are also considered. As final conclusion, the authors suggest standards to be established for this type of ECDIS training.
ECDIS специфично обучение оценка на рискаECDIS type specific training risk assessement Dimitar Komitov Blagovest Belev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] IHO S-66 – Facts about electronic charts and carriage ments - Edition 1.1.0 January 2018, p. 26-28 [2] Dachev Y., Panov A., Traditional Navigation in e-Navigation Context, 18th Annual General Assembly AGA 2017, IAMU, Varna, 11-13 October 2017, рp. 106-115, ISBN 978-954-8991-97-1 [3] Lusic, Z., Bakota, M., Mikelic, Z. Human errors in ECDIS related accidents // 7th International maritime science conference, Split, Croatia, 2017, p. 231 [4] Dachev Y., New Trends in the Content on the Bulgarian Nautical Navigation Charts, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment”, Constanta, Vol. 1, 2014, pp. 25-28, ISSN 1844-6116. [5] Dachev, Yu., Morski karti, Steno, Varna, 207 s., 2017, ISBN 978-954-449-910-5. ( [5] Дачев, Ю., Морски карти, Стено, Варна, 207 с., 2017, ISBN 978-954-449-910-5. ) [6] Broster, M., Type specific ECDIS – explained and uncovered, May 2016, p.35-36 [Electronic version] Access through URL: www.eMaritimeGroup.com (Date of using 28.01.2019) [7] Brcic, D., Sabalja, D., A contribution to improving the standards of ECDIS training, Scientific journal of maritime research, Faculty of maritime studies Rijeka, 27(1), 2013, p.136-138 [8] Type specific ECDIS training https://www.ecdis.org/wp-content/uploads/EC... (Date of using 16.02.2019) [9] Type specific ECDIS courses https://www.wilhelmsen.com/other-services/i... (Date of using 16.02.2019) [10] Manifacturer approced type specific ECDIS trainig http://www.glasgowmaritimeacademy.com/ecdis... (Date of using 16.02.2019) [11] ECDIS type specific http://www.maritimetraining.in/navigation-t... (Date of using 16.02.2019) |