Scientific paper ID 2050 : 2020/3

Emil Iontchev1), Rosen Miletiev2), Lachezar Hristov1)

The base functions of the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are to deliver the exact geographical coordinates of objects, their speeds and exact time. The accuracy of determining the base parameters depends: on the number of satellite signals available, whether signals from complementary systems are used, the methods used to process the received data, the integrity of the system, the continuity of signals during positioning and etc. The article presents an inertial system with the ability to measure acceleration, angular velocity, magnetic field value and atmospheric pressure. All these data are marked with a geographical coordinates of the place where they were measured and also the exact time when the event occurred. To increase the accuracy of determining the coordinates, a navigation receiver was used, which works in several frequency bands, in which navigation signals from four GNSS, QZSS, and signals from the satellite complementary systems. It has the ability to operate in differential RTK mode, acting as a base station or a rover. The method for receiving the differential correction from a remote database (caster) using a mobile network and protocol NTRIP provided for this purpose has been chosen. Experiments were performed with the system using additional data for differential correction and without these data. The obtained accuracy of the system was compared in both cases.

навигационен приемник диференциална навигация микроконтролер акселерометър жироскоп магнитометърnavigation receiver differential navigation microcontroller accelerometer gyroscope magnetometer Emil Iontchev) Rosen Miletiev) Lachezar Hristov)


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