Scientific paper ID 2042 : 2020/3
Lyubomir Sekulov, Georgi Pavlov, Vasil Todorov, Peter Bodurov, Martina Tomcheva Static converters (SC) are widely applied devices in electric transport vehicles (ETV) for direct and alternate current. Their key function is to ensure the d power-supply parameters and their stabilisation for the auxiliary loads in ETV, to maintain the power charge level of batteries and the work of the electromagnetic brakes (EMB).
Static converters of the PS 01 type are widely used in tram carriages of smaller assembly sizes. Their power circuit is designed with IGBT transistors and a microprocessor module of the primary control side with a low cycle frequency of 4Mhz of the primary control side and slow feedback from the primary to the secondary control side, which results in certain operational difficulties and reduces the reliability of the device. The report presents the designing and modernisation of the static converter controls by the use of a new and faster contemporary microprocessor control module with a cycle frequency of 32Мhz, new fast drivers, a new working algorithm and a new software. The control system has been modernised and made compliant with the ments of modern IGBT technology. статичен преобразувател електрически транспортни средства трамвайна мотриса градски транспортstatic converter electric transportation vehicles tram motrice public transportLyubomir Sekulov Georgi Pavlov Vasil Todorov Peter Bodurov Martina Tomcheva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Balgaranov A. Elektricheski transport. Sofiya, 2009 g. ( [1] Българанов А. Електрически транспорт. София, 2009 г. ) [2] Balgaranov L., Pavlov G., I. Milenov, Ch. Dzhambazki. Elektrozadvizhvane, Sofiya, 2009 g. ( [2] Българанов Л., Павлов Г., И. Миленов, Ч. Джамбазки. Електрозадвижване, София, 2009 г. ) [3] Pavlov G., V. Dimitrov. Rakovodstvo za proektirane po elektroobzavezhdane, Sofiya, 2010 g. ( [3] Павлов Г., В. Димитров. Ръководство за проектиране по електрообзавеждане, София, 2010 г. ) [4] Tehnicheska dokumentatsiya na statichen preobrazuvatel SP 01 ( [4] Техническа документация на статичен преобразувател SP 01 ) |