Scientific paper ID 2041 : 2020/3

Ilko Tarpov, Georgi Pavlov, Nikola Stamboliev, Lyubomir Sekulov

The reliability of electric power supply in railway transport is dependent on numerous factors and elements comprising the electric circuit from the electrical substation to the electric vehicle’s pantograph. The electric insulation materials and elements are an essential part of this circuit and bear relevance to the reliability of electric transport. In order to ensure a highly reliable exploitation of a railway vehicle, it is necessary to identify the determining factors for the fail-safe work of all elements of the electric circuit. The report presents the key parameters to justify the application of thermovisual control for testing the insulation systems in electrified transport, and also for establishing it as a type of control to improve exploitation reliability. It reviews the factors relevant to the ageing and the durability of electric insulation materials. The dielectric thermal breakdown conditions are shown in relation to the material constants. The paper draws an analysis of the insulation systems condition and presents a thermovisual detection method for potential dielectric failure. The key results of the analysis are the random variables, which influence the reliability of the insulation materials in the power supply system as a consequence of material ageing. The thermovision camera control will improve the reliability and decrease failure incidents. The method applied in this report describes a new reliability evaluation approach for the exploitation of insulation systems taken as the elements of power supply in railway transport.

електроснабдяване контактна мрежа електротранспорт надеждност електроизолационни материали топлоотдаване термовизионен контрол.insulators power supply contact network electric transport electric insulation materials heat release.Ilko Tarpov Georgi Pavlov Nikola Stamboliev Lyubomir Sekulov


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