Scientific paper ID 2029 : 2020/3

Petko Kostadinov, Vasil Dimitrov

Contemporary electrical drives are designed with converters and microprocessor control systems with high computing power and a database of electrical drive parameters. The efficiency of the electrical drive depends not only on the devices and units used, but also on the accuracy of the parameters entered in the database of the control microprocessor system. In order to ensure the necessary accuracy of the data, it is necessary to conduct research on the driven mechanisms and to determine in advance the losses in them. As a result, it is possible to achieve higher energy efficiency, increased speed during transient modes without unnecessary energy losses, as well as reduced system costs.

This paper presents a methodology for determining the total losses in an electromechanical system (DC motor - synchronous generator). The losses in the bearings of the driven generator and in the connecting gear have been determined. Based on the obtained results at different speeds of rotation, a calibration characteristic of the transmission mechanism is plotted.

Subsequently, the magnetic and ventilation system of the synchronous generator has been installed and its calibration characteristic has been determined.

By using the obtained calibration characteristics and the known calibration characteristic of the driving motor, it is possible to determine the total losses at different speeds and the efficiency of the electrical drive.

електрозадвижване двигатели за постоянен ток синхронен генератор енергийна ефективност широчинно-импулсна модулация (ШИМ) РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ: electrical drive DC motors synchronous generator energy efficiency pulse-width modulation (PWM)Petko Kostadinov Vasil Dimitrov


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